3 events found.
All Day
Weekly Parish Food Distribution – Volunteers also needed
Summer is here! It is a busy time with summer vacations and the Catholic Charities do not have as many students volunteering. Therefore, we will run short of volunteers at […]
Spiritual Renewal…How will you answer the Call?
Three Flames Restaurant 1547 Meridian Ave, San JoseSpiritual Renewal...How will you answer the Call? October 10th 7:00-9:00am Three Flames Restaurant 1547 Meridian Ave, San José The Very Reverend Andres C. Ligot, JCD is the Vicar General, Chancellor […]
Pastoral Ministry Formation – Virtual Sessions
VirtualFoundational theology formation series for ministers that replaces “Faith Beyond 2000 – Part I and II.” Upon completion, pastoral ministers will receive a “Pastoral Ministry Certification” issued by the Institute […]