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- Retreats
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- No events scheduled for February 26, 2025.
Ignatian Spiritual Exercises for Women
Our Lady of Santa Clara Retreat Center 33840 Mercedes Rd., CupertinoSt. Clare’s Women’s Silent Retreat and 2025 Schedule
St. Clare's Retreat 2381 Laurel Glen Road, SoquelIgnatian Spiritual Exercises for Women
Our Lady of Santa Clara Retreat Center 33840 Mercedes Rd., CupertinoHearing the Voice of God with Fr. Albert Haase, OFM
Our Lady of the Rosary 3233 Cowper St., Palo AltoSt. Catherine of Alexandria Women’s Retreat
St. Catherine - O'Donnell Parish Center 17400 Peak Avenue, Morgan HillIgnatian Spiritual Exercises for Women
Our Lady of Santa Clara Retreat Center 33840 Mercedes Rd., CupertinoWeek of Events
Ignatian Spiritual Exercises for Women
Ignatian Spiritual Exercises for Women
IGNATIAN SPIRITUAL EXERCISES FOR WOMEN, FEBRUARY 27-MARCH 2, OUR LADY OF SANTA CLARA RETREAT CENTER God is always calling us into a deeper relationship with Him—but how do we recognize that call, and how do we respond? The Ignatian Spiritual Exercises provide a path to developing a discerning heart, allowing you to align your life […]
St. Clare’s Women’s Silent Retreat and 2025 Schedule
St. Clare’s Women’s Silent Retreat and 2025 Schedule
Join us for a Women's Silent Retreat with Fr. Edmund Page, O.Praem. Fr. Edmund is a priest at St. Michael's Abbey, a Norbertine Catholic monastery in Orange County. The retreat theme is Seeking the Face of God. This retreat will be a deeper journey into the life of prayer which is nothing other than the […]
Ignatian Spiritual Exercises for Women
Ignatian Spiritual Exercises for Women
IGNATIAN SPIRITUAL EXERCISES FOR WOMEN, FEBRUARY 27-MARCH 2, OUR LADY OF SANTA CLARA RETREAT CENTER God is always calling us into a deeper relationship with Him—but how do we recognize that call, and how do we respond? The Ignatian Spiritual Exercises provide a path to developing a discerning heart, allowing you to align your life […]
Hearing the Voice of God with Fr. Albert Haase, OFM
Hearing the Voice of God with Fr. Albert Haase, OFM
Hearing the Voice of God Retreat with Fr. Albert Haase OFM, March 1st, 8:30AM-3:20PM, Our Lady of the Rosary Hall (3233 Cowper St) Join St. Thomas Aquinas Parish for a day retreat with Texas Priest Fr. Albert Haase on the theme "Hearing the Voice of God"! The day will begin with a welcome breakfast at […]
St. Catherine of Alexandria Women’s Retreat
St. Catherine of Alexandria Women’s Retreat
Saturday, March 1, 2025 - 9:00 am to 3:30 pm St. Catherine of Alexandria - O’Donnell Parish Center Join award-winning author Liz Kelly for a day retreat based on her book Jesus Approaches. Explore how today’s women can find healing, freedom, and joy through the women of the New Testament. Reflect on their encounters with […]
Ignatian Spiritual Exercises for Women
Ignatian Spiritual Exercises for Women
IGNATIAN SPIRITUAL EXERCISES FOR WOMEN, FEBRUARY 27-MARCH 2, OUR LADY OF SANTA CLARA RETREAT CENTER God is always calling us into a deeper relationship with Him—but how do we recognize that call, and how do we respond? The Ignatian Spiritual Exercises provide a path to developing a discerning heart, allowing you to align your life […]