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Young Adult Paint Night

Our Lady of Peace

February 28, Family Learning Center: rosary 6:30 p.m. Gym; Painting Room 1203 Our Lady of Peace Church/Shrine, 2800 Mission College Blvd., Santa Clara Suggested $10 donation Contact:

Hearing the Voice of God with Fr. Albert Haase, OFM

Our Lady of the Rosary 3233 Cowper St., Palo Alto, CA, United States

Hearing the Voice of God Retreat with Fr. Albert Haase OFM, March 1st, 8:30AM-3:20PM, Our Lady of the Rosary Hall (3233 Cowper St) Join St. Thomas Aquinas Parish for a day retreat with Texas Priest Fr. Albert Haase on the theme "Hearing the Voice of God"! The day will begin with a welcome breakfast at […]

Diocese of San Jose and Santa Clara University host Enlivening Prayer: The Creed

Santa Teresa Parish

March 1, 9AM at Santa Teresa Parish join together for a workshop by Dr. Paul J. Schutz on The Creed: Proclaiming the Heart of Our Faith. This interactive workshop offered by the Santa Clara University Markey Center on the story of our Creed will help catechists, catechumens, and entire assemblies be more intentional in professing […]

An Interior Pilgrimage in the Year of Hope, with Mary

Mount Saint Joseph Carmelit Monastery 12455 Clayton Rd, San Jose, CA, United States

An Interior Pilgrimage in the Year of Hope, with Mary March 1, 2025, Saturday 9:00am - 3:00pm Mount Saint Joseph Carmelite Monastery 12455 Clayton Rd, San Jose, CA 95127 Featured Speaker: Fr. Julius Ntalo, OCD. Time for Featured Talks, Reflection, Discussion, Liturgy in a beautiful setting. Fee: $50 per person - includes boxed lunch. Download […]

St. Catherine of Alexandria Women’s Retreat

St. Catherine - O'Donnell Parish Center 17400 Peak Avenue, Morgan Hill, CA, United States

Saturday, March 1, 2025 - 9:00 am to 3:30 pm St. Catherine of Alexandria - O’Donnell Parish Center Join award-winning author Liz Kelly for a day retreat based on her book Jesus Approaches. Explore how today’s women can find healing, freedom, and joy through the women of the New Testament. Reflect on their encounters with […]

Ignatian Spiritual Exercises for Women

Our Lady of Santa Clara Retreat Center 33840 Mercedes Rd., Cupertino, CA, United States

IGNATIAN SPIRITUAL EXERCISES FOR WOMEN, FEBRUARY 27-MARCH 2, OUR LADY OF SANTA CLARA RETREAT CENTER God is always calling us into a deeper relationship with Him—but how do we recognize that call, and how do we respond? The Ignatian Spiritual Exercises provide a path to developing a discerning heart, allowing you to align your life […]

Ignatian Spiritual Exercises for Women

Our Lady of Santa Clara Retreat Center 33840 Mercedes Rd., Cupertino, CA, United States

IGNATIAN SPIRITUAL EXERCISES FOR WOMEN, FEBRUARY 27-MARCH 2, OUR LADY OF SANTA CLARA RETREAT CENTER God is always calling us into a deeper relationship with Him—but how do we recognize that call, and how do we respond? The Ignatian Spiritual Exercises provide a path to developing a discerning heart, allowing you to align your life […]

The Cup of Our Life – 5-week ‘home retreat.’

You will need to find a comfortable place to pray and meet with the director either via Zoom or in person according to your schedule. Material will provide. This retreat will be led by Margarita, the Ignatian Center Director. f you feel drawn to attend, please scan the QR code to sign up or register […]

Christian Challenges of End-of-Life care – Les défis chrétiens de la fin de vie

St. Nicholas Parish 473 Lincoln Avenue, Los Altos, CA, United States

Les défis chrétiens de la fin de vie - With the French Community CathoSV- Monday March 3rd; 8:00 PM; St Nicholas Parish Hall; Los Altos - Conference will be held in French. At a time when debates about end-of-life care are raging in France, it is more important than ever for us to educate ourselves! […]

Liberating Spiritualities in Dark Times

Library and Learning Commons, Santa Clara University

How can spirituality serve as a catalyst for social transformation and healing in an age of darkness and despair? What can we do to cultivate inclusive and justice-centered approaches to spirituality? This talk explores these questions by drawing on the rich traditions of liberation theology and liberation philosophy in the Americas. Respondents: Antonio Sison, CPPS, […]

Event Series Jesus Heals

Jesus Heals

March 4, 6, 8 - free event Fr. Roy Palatty, CMI Spiritual Director at Shalom Media, Shalom World Conferences Mass, Adoration, Preaching and Healing March 4 from 6-9 p.m. at St. Martin of Tours Parish, San Jose March 6 from 6-9 p.m. at St. John the Baptist, Milpitas March 8 from 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 […]

Christus Ministries Silent Retreat

The Jesuit Retreat Center of Los Altos 300 Manresa Way, Los Altos, CA, United States

Are you looking to grow closer to God and find hope amidst the challenges and uncertainties of life? Consider coming to this four-day Ignatian Guided Silent Retreat designed to help young adults (20+) personalize and deepen their relationship with God. Each day consists of two conferences, individual spiritual direction, significant personal time for prayer and reflection, […]

Event Series Jesus Heals

Jesus Heals

March 4, 6, 8 - free event Fr. Roy Palatty, CMI Spiritual Director at Shalom Media, Shalom World Conferences Mass, Adoration, Preaching and Healing March 4 from 6-9 p.m. at St. Martin of Tours Parish, San Jose March 6 from 6-9 p.m. at St. John the Baptist, Milpitas March 8 from 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 […]

Pastoral Ministry Formation – Virtual Sessions 2025

Foundational theology formation series for ministers that replaces “Faith Beyond 2000 – Part I and II.” Upon completion, pastoral ministers  will receive a “Pastoral Ministry Certification” issued by the Institute for Leadership in Ministry. This program is held Virtually. For all the ministers: lectors, Eucharistic ministers, ushers, catechists, youth group leaders, RCIA team members, etc.) The […]

Christus Ministries Silent Retreat

The Jesuit Retreat Center of Los Altos 300 Manresa Way, Los Altos, CA, United States

Are you looking to grow closer to God and find hope amidst the challenges and uncertainties of life? Consider coming to this four-day Ignatian Guided Silent Retreat designed to help young adults (20+) personalize and deepen their relationship with God. Each day consists of two conferences, individual spiritual direction, significant personal time for prayer and reflection, […]