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A Fair of the Arts
October 24, 2015 @ 10:00 am - 5:00 pm
The Sisters and Associates of Notre Dame de Namur with “hearts as wide as the world” are sponsoring an art fair, boutique, and baked good event at Notre Dame High School in San Jose on Saturday, October 24, 2015. Join us for A Fair of the Arts, and welcome professional and student artists. Additionally, the fair will include homemade items and baked goods created by Sisters, Associates, and friends of the Sisters of Notre Dame. All proceeds will be established for the missions of the Sisters of Notre Dame in both Africa and Central and South America. Events included at the Fair will be a raffle, student entertainment, and the Sunflower Café serving a continental breakfast and light lunch.
Contact: Kathy Noether knoether@aol.com
Associate of the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur
Check our website for more information: www.HeartsAsWide.com.