Marriage today faces a variety of challenges in all aspects of life. Catholic Engaged Encounter helps prepare couples for many of these challenges and provides them with tools they can use in their every day lives to help them have a happy, loving, and long lasting relationship.

The Engaged Encounter Weekend offers couples a unique opportunity to look at their commitment to each other in a deeper way as they prepare for a sacramental marriage.  It is designed to give couples planning marriage the opportunity to open dialogue about various aspects of their planned life together to talk about their strengths, weaknesses, desires, ambitions, attitudes about children, money, sex, family, and their role in Church and society.  The weekend is structured so that couples hear topics and then spend time writing and discussing them. The format is not a group sharing format.

Though Catholic in origin, this experience is open to any engaged couple wanting to prepare for a deeper, more meaningful life together. The Weekend is an in-depth, private, personal, marriage preparation experience within the context of Catholic faith and values.

Couples will leave the retreat with workbooks used for writing and discussing topics as well as a certificate of completion that the officiating Priest may require as part of the parish marriage preparation curriculum.  Couples also say that, in having had open and honest discussions with each other throughout the weekend, they feel ready to tackle their wedding day.

For  retreat upcoming retreat dates, please go to the Catholic Engaged Encounter website.

Tel: (408) 718-0266

Para información llame a: Guillermo & Belén Márquez  (408 ) 363-0644 o escríbanos al correo electrónico:

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