The following is a generic job description for someone that is on a youth ministry core team or leadership team. Please note that job descriptions should always be tweaked depending on the skills and strengths of the volunteer, as well as their availability, to allow for the maximum amount of flexibility. Ideally, a job description should be created with the new volunteer so that s/he feels empowered into the position, will take ownership, and show commitment for the role that s/he has been discerned in to.
Position Title: High School Ministry Leader
Tasks to be Performed:
- Come on time and get to know teens by asking good questions and listening (training is provided for this)
- Follow up with youth that did not attend youth night within two days
- Prepare prayer for youth nights
- Gather supplies needed
- Attend team meetings
- Prepare youth nights assigned
Abilities Needed:
- Love for God
- Love for teens
- Flexible
- On time
- Positive attitude
- Constantly growing and learning
Additional Involvements:
- Team meetings once a month (usually before or after the youth night)
- Parish youth ministry leadership workshops (August)
- Training as offered (see below)
- Leader spiritual retreat (January)
- Youth Ministry Year?End Celebration Event (June)
Length of Commitment:
- August?June, renewable
Training Offered: (parish pays for all trainings, based on your availability)
- Parish Youth Ministry Leadership Workshops (August)
- Diocesan Youth Ministry Training
- Faith Formation Conference (November)
- Los Angeles Religious Education Congress (February)
- Building life changing relationships with teenagers
- Deeper relationship with God
- Trainings and workshops paid for
- Free food at many events and sessions
Supervision ad Support:
- Supervised and supported by Youth Ministry Coordinator
***Other position descriptions to be considered for development in your parish:
- Retreat Ministry Team
- Small Group’s Ministry Team
- Fundraising Team
- Social Justice Team
- Junior High/Middle School Ministry Team
- Special Events Team (dances, rallies, parish festival, etc…)
Sample Core Team Job Description
(PDF, 38k)