Augustinian Recollect Sisters (AR)
Working/residing in the Diocese: 4
Contact Sr. Myrna Arcegano, AR for more information
Blessed Virgin Missionaries of Carmel (BVMC)
Working/residing in the Diocese: 3
Contact the Sr. Kristine Japitana, BVMC for more information
Caritas Sisters of Jesus (CSJ)
Working/residing in the Diocese: 2
Contact the Sr. Sola Park, CSJ for more information
Community of the Holy Spirit (CHS)
Working/residing in the Diocese: 1
Contact the Sr. Jolene Schmitz, CHS for more information
Congregation of Divine Providence (CDP)
Working/residing in the Diocese: 1
Contact Sr. Suzanne Dancer, CDP for more information
Congregation of the Lovers of the Holy Cross of Cai Mon (LHC)
Working/residing in the Diocese: 5
Contact Sr. Van Phuoc Nguyen, LHC for more information
Daughters of Charity of Saint Vincent de Paul (DC)
Working/residing in the Diocese: 47
Contact Pacita Calica, DC for more information
Discalced Carmelite Nuns (OCD)
Working/residing in the Diocese: 9
Contact Mother Irene Soos, OCD for more information
Dominican Sisters of St. Catherine of Siena (OP)
Working/residing in the Diocese: 5
Contact Sr. Susan Snyder, OP for more information
Dominican Sisters of St. Rose of Lima (OP)
Working/residing in the Diocese: 2
Contact Sr. Christine Hoang, OP for more information
Dominican Sisters of Mission San Jose (OP)
Working/residing in the Diocese: 5
Contact Sister Dulce Aguilar, O.P. for more information
Eucharistic Missionaries of the Most Holy Trinity (MESST)
Working/residing in the Diocese: 4
Contact Sr. Gisela Enríquez, MESST for more information
La Salle Sisters of Vietnam (LS.S)
Working/residing in the Diocese: 12
Contact Sr. Thérèse JB de La Salle AnhLoan Do, LS.S for more information
Maryknoll Sisters of Saint Dominic (MM)
Working/residing in the Diocese: 1
Contact Sr. Nancy Thomas, MM for more information
Missionary Catechists of Divine Providence (MCDP)
Working/residing in the Diocese: 1
Contact Sister Sofia Berrones, MCDP for more information
Poor Clare Nuns (PCC)
Working/residing in the Diocese: 24
Contact the Vocations Office for more information
QuiNhon Missionary Sisters of the Holy Cross (LHC)
Working/residing in the Diocese: 9
Contact Sr. Catherine Dang, LHC for more information
School Sisters of Notre Dame (SSND)
Working/residing in the Diocese: 1
Contact Sr. Mary Warner, SSND for more information
Servants of the Lord and the Virgin of Matara (SSVM)
Working/residing in the Diocese: 9
Contact Mother Maria de la Revelacion, SSVM for more information
Sisters of Charity of the Blessed Virgin Mary (BVM)
Working/residing in the Diocese: 3
Contact Sr. Marilyn Wilson, BVM for more information
Sisters of Mercy of the Americas (RSM)
Working/residing in the Diocese: 2
Contact Sr. Marie-Eloise Rosenblatt, RSM for more information
Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur (SNDdeN)
Working/residing in the Diocese: 13
Contact Sr. Rosalie Pizzo, SNDdeN for more information
Sisters of Saint Joseph of Carondelet (CSJ)
Working/residing in the Diocese: 8
Contact Sr. Marie Gertrude Roldan, CSJ for more information
Working/residing in the Diocese: 61
Contact Sr. Nancy Clemmons, SNJM for more information
Sisters of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary (PBVM)
Working/residing in the Diocese: 7
Contact Sr. Gemma Wilson, PBVM for more information
Verbum Dei Missionary Fraternity (VDMF)
Working/residing in the Diocese: 1
Contact Sr. Ellen Hess, VDMF for more information