Dear Catholic School Families,

As we begin our journey through Holy Week, we find ourselves faced with deep anxieties and sweeping changes to our lives. The crowds welcoming Jesus into Jerusalem are in stark contrast to our physical isolation. Yet, in his Palm Sunday homily, Pope Francis emphasized Jesus’ message to us
all: “Do not be afraid, you are not alone.” Now, more than ever, it is important to remember that we are an Easter people, united in Christ’s love and hope.

Over the past three weeks, the solidarity across our school communities has been awe-inspiring. Christ’s love has been palpable in the connections nurtured between teachers, students, and families. So many of you have reached out to share beautiful moments of encounter – the gentleness of a teacher taking extra time to reassure your child, the communion of prayer unifying a school, the outreach to a neighbor through inspirational messages on the sidewalks, and the pure joy inspired by the creativity of so many teachers and leaders. Though we never anticipated this new
educational landscape, we remain fully committed to partnering with you to strengthen our support of your children.

As we look to the weeks ahead, we currently expect to continue with distance learning through the end of the 2019-2020 school year. If we receive updated guidance from the health department, we will re-evaluate the date at that time. We recognize the significant impact this extended campus closure will have on our entire community and encourage you to reach out to your school if you are in need of any additional support.

I want to express my deepest gratitude to our teachers, staff, and principals who are going above and beyond for our students and families. I also want to thank our parents and students for your partnership as we grow our distance learning programs while coping with the rapid changes to life.
As we enter this Holy Week, let us continue to walk with one another in Christ’s love. Please join me in prayer for our health care professionals, first responders, and all in our community who are being impacted by this pandemic.

Yours in Christ,
Jennifer Beltramo
Superintendent of Catholic Schools