October 6, 1930 – August 5, 2022

Monsignor Ludwig Andre, a retired priest of the Diocese of San José, passed away the morning of Friday August 5, 2022 in Alamo, California. He was 91 years old. He was ordained for the Archdiocese of San Francisco in 1957. Locally, he served as acting president – principal of St Joseph’s High School/Seminary in Mountain View (1975 to1979), pastor of Saint Mary Parish in Gilroy (1997 to 1989), and pastor of Saint Simon Parish in Los Altos (1989 to 2002). In 2000 he was named a Monsignor by Pope John Paul II.

Full obituary and funeral arrangements can be found at: https://www.legacy.com/us/obituaries/mercurynews/name/ludwig-andre-obituary?id=36170209

Please join in praying for Monsignor Andre and his family. Eternal rest grant to him, Lord. Let your perpetual light shine on him. Amen.