Our 50th Jubilee of the Diocese of San Jose in 2031 happily coincides with the 500th anniversary of Mary’s appearance and message to St. Juan Diego, which set in motion an unimaginable, unforeseen, dynamic evangelization of the Americas where previously response to the Gospel message had been rather limited. Through her presence, message, and intercession, the Gospel message spread deeply and broadly. Bishop Cantú decided to convene a diocesan synod to listen and discern with the faithful how we can renew our Diocese.
After 10 months of preparation, 100 consultation sessions, online survey, the Diocese of San Jose Diocesan Synod General Assembly has held January 27-29, 2023. Please check out the summary of the weekend with photos.
Our historic Synod is over, and now the Pastoral Planning Commission takes the “sacred work” of the General Assembly to continue the “sacred work” of Pastoral Planning. A high bar has been set for the next phase, and the Diocese will continue to lean into the Holy Spirit and trust that God is guiding us at every step along the way. Through the intercession of Our Lady of Guadalupe, let us ask the Lord to guide us and to accompany us, to give us renewed strength and determination in facing the challenges ahead as we proclaim and live the Gospel.
January 2023
- Jan 20th: Last week, we held a zoom meeting to go over delegate preparation for the assembly. Almost 90% of the delegates attended and there was excellent dialog and discussion. We asked them to spend about an hour of prayer and review on each theme for a total of 8 hours of preparation. The delegates were also given a forum by which to ask questions about the proposals.
December 2022
- Dec 13th: We received over 7,500 recommendations from 3,000 people who participated in consultation session and over 4,000+ completed surveys. We also incorporated comments from the 2,000 people who participated in the universal synod.
- A team of eight people representing various aspects of the diocese:
- viewed all recommendation;
- determined the 8 recurring themes;
- tagged recommendations by sources, pillar, question, and theme;
- sorted recommendations by theme and topic; and
- currently are drafting proposals.
- The draft proposals, approximately 12 for each of the eight recurring themes, will be sent to the delegates by January 8th for their review, prayer, and discernment.
- At the assembly, delegates will work together to come to consensus on prioritizing the proposals for the future pastoral plan.
- A team of eight people representing various aspects of the diocese:
- Dec 1st: Our SYNOD 2023 is centered in the Eucharist, the summit of our Christian prayer. In the Real of Presence of Christ, we are nourished and strengthened as a Church, the Body of Christ, to be ONE, HOLY, CATHOLIC, and APOSTOLIC. With this in mind, we invoke the power of the Holy Spirit to guide our diocesan Synod by praying a Novena as one diocese. Our Diocesan Novena for our Synod will happen on nine consecutive Sundays, the Day of the Lord. It will commence on this Second Sunday of Advent, December 4, 2022, and finish on January 29, 2023 at all Masses in the Diocese. The Novena Prayer will be prayed during Mass after the Prayer After Communion before the Final Blessing.
November 2022
- Nov 14th: On November 5th, nearly 150 delegates gathered and spent the day in prayer and learning about the Diocesan Synod Process, the state of the diocese, and their role as delegates. View photos from the day here. There will be a makeup session in early December for the nearly 50 delegates, who were unable to attend.
- Nov 8th: All synod assembly delegates and pastoral planning commission members have been invited to attend a public commissioning at the Our Lady of Guadalupe Feast Mass on Sunday, December 11th at 11:30am at the Cathedral Basilica of Saint Joseph.
October 2022
- Oct 24th: The diocesan synod survey opened today online and is available in English, Spanish and Vietnamese. It will remain open through Thanksgiving.
- Bishop wants to hear from all Catholics in Santa Clara County, including those no longer practicing their faith.
- The purpose of the survey is to gain a greater understanding of the pastoral needs of the Catholic community in Santa Clara County and discern pastoral priorities for our diocese for the coming years.
- The survey is available in English, Spanish or Vietnamese. It will take 10-15 minutes to complete the survey, and responses will be anonymous.
- The input will be integrated into the information to be considered by the Diocesan Synod General Assembly, when recommending priorities for our diocese’s new Pastoral Plan on how our diocese will serve God’s People in the coming years.
- Oct 20th: Nearly all 26 schools have completed their consultations sessions and only handful have yet to submit their summary worksheet. 37 of our parishes have completed their consultations sessions. The remaining parishes are in process of completing their session.
- Oct 6th:All delegates have received their invitation to the general assembly on January 27-29, 2023 at Santa Clara University and are confirming their participation.
Diocesan Synod Novena
Our SYNOD 2023 is centered in the Eucharist, the summit of our Christian prayer. In the Real of Presence of Christ, we are nourished and strengthened as a Church, the Body of Christ, to be ONE, HOLY, CATHOLIC, and APOSTOLIC. With this in mind, we invoke the power of the Holy Spirit to guide our diocesan Synod by praying a Novena as one diocese. Our Diocesan Novena for our Synod began on this Second Sunday of Advent, December 4, 2022, and conclude on January 29, 2023.
Download Diocesan Synod Novena - English, Español, Vietnamese
Pastoral Letters and Articles
- Bishop Cantú’s letter on Renewing our Mission as One, Holy, Catholic, Apostolic Church. Download English | Spanish | Vietnamese
Frequently Asked Questions
Learn about the synod process and what it means for Catholics in the diocese.
Frequently Asked Questions Diocesan Synod 2023
Diez Preguntas Frecuentes Sobre el Sínodo Diocesano de 2023
Muời Câu Hỏi Thường Được Đặt Ra về Công Nghị năm 2023 của Giáo Phận
The following four pillars, the four marks of the Church, will guide our consultation, discernment and planning process.
To embrace and tangibly demonstrate the unity of our Church across the entire Diocese
Para adoptary demostrar concretamentela unidadde nuestra Iglesia en toda la Diócesis.
Duy trìvàthểhiện khéo léo sựhiệp nhất của Giáo Hội trong cảGiáo phận.
To inspire and form the faithful in becoming disciples of Jesus Christ
Para inspirar y formar a los fieles aque se conviertan en discípulos de Jesucristo.
Đểthúc đẩy vàđào tạo người giáo dân trởthành môn đệChúa Giê-su Ki-tô.
To increase the faithful’s encounter of Santa Clara County’s unique diversity, and to leverage such diversity (ethnic, age, social-economic, etc.) to enrich our local Church
Para aumentar el encuentro de los fieles con la diversidad única del Condado de Santa Clara y aprovechar dicha diversidad (étnico, de edad, socioeconómico, etc.) para enriquecer nuestra Iglesia local.
Đểgia tăng sựhiều biết vàcảm nhận tính cách đa dạng/đa văn hóa của Quận hạt Santa Clara vàdùng tích cách đa dạng/đa văn hóa này (sắc tộc, tuổi tác, hoàn cảnh kinh tếvàxãhội) đểlàm cho Giáo Hội thêm phong phúởđịa phương vàkhắp nơi.
To become primarily outward-looking in order to evangelize individuals, families and our culture.
Para ante todo tener la mirada hacia afuera para evangelizar a las personas, las familias,y a nuestra cultura.
Đểcho các sinh hoạt mục vụcủa chúng ta hướng ra bên ngoài ngõhầu cóthểtruyền báTin mừng cho mọi người vàmọi gia đình cũng nhưmọi sắc dân.