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We recently celebrated the Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ. We also continue to foster devotional and formational activity in our multi-year National Eucharistic Revival. With this in mind – and having discussed with pastors the advisability of resuming reception of Holy Communion under the form of the Precious Blood – beginning July 1, 2023, the Precious Blood of Christ may be offered at Masses in the Diocese of San José for reception by the faithful.

Pastors should ensure that an adequate number of Communion ministers is available. Pastors should also properly instruct the faithful for the reception of Holy Communion under both species. Namely,

  • In each Eucharistic species, the Consecrated Hosts and the Precious Blood, the Lord Jesus offers himself completely to the faithful. The Lord Jesus is present body and blood, soul and divinity under the appearance of bread and wine.
  • Receiving Holy Communion under both species is a fuller sign of participation in the Sacred Mysteries of the Lord’s death and resurrection. This fuller sign is a response to the Lord’s commands to “take and eat” and “take and drink”.
  • Members of the faithful with pre-existing health concerns or flu-like symptoms should refrain from receiving Holy Communion from the chalice. Those with flu-like symptoms should remain home as a preventive measure.
  • The faithful are encouraged to continue the practice of frequent handwashing. Pastors are encouraged to have sanitizer available for communion ministers and the faithful before receiving Holy Communion.
  • Ministers are encouraged to continue the practice of cleaning the vessels with soap and water following the Mass.

The chancery will monitor the situation when the flu season arrives and make precautionary adjustments to this protocol as needed. We will also monitor the situation of any other infectious diseases that may arise.

May we continue to hear the Lord beckoning us to the Eucharistic table, that we may be nourished by his Word and Sacrament.

Most Rev. Oscar Cantú
Bishop of San José