Saint John Vianney Parish
- Responsible, for developing and implementing a faith formation strategy for passing on the faith.
- Responsible for designing dynamic, engaging and inspiring lifelong faith formation for all age groups, including (English and Spanish): the elderly, adults, young adults, teens and children, utilizing the whole parish as a resource and opportunity, as well as, the use of digital, web including virtual technologies. It centers on adult faith formation and focuses on family faith formation.
- Requires a good understanding of Scripture, theology, catechesis, program development and coordination and professional relationships.
- Requires the ability to build and manage teams, and recruitment of volunteers.
- Requires ability to provide ongoing training and support of catechists.
- Actively participate in parish staff meetings.
- Catechesis of the Good Shepherd (Training Available if needed)
- Prepare program schedule (See attached)
- Meet with CGS Catechists biweekly on Thursday’s.
- Bridge Communication between school CGS Volunteers and parish volunteers
regarding Atrium maintenance
- Supply materials for Atrium upkeep
- Sacrament Preparation First Reconciliation & Communion
- Program Development
- Prepare program outline – aligned with the parish mission & theme (currently done through December, see attached)
- Advent, Lenten & Sponsor and Candidate Retreat Planning for families
- Catechist/Volunteer Support
- Meet and plan two weeks’ worth of session agendas with first year catechists (zoom)
- Maintain spiritual growth with catechists through book sharing and discussions (small group, current book is “Vivir la Misa” “Living the Mass” by Loyola Press) Discussion guides attached.
- Family Engagement & Support
- Parent Orientations
- Requirement check (Mass attendance & ALPHA/GYFT Sessions)
iii. Year-round support to families with questions
- School Support/Collaboration
- Provide materials.
- Provide program requirements.
iii. Support second grade teacher with materials and questions that may arise.
- Liturgical celebrations
- Organize candidate celebration dates.
- Supervise required sponsor and candidate documentation.
iii. Collaborate with parish office for Record keeping.
- 3. Highschool Confirmation Program
- Program Development
- Work in union with the youth minister in the development of the first-year programming
- Meet with youth team and Confirmation catechists in planning and implementation of sessions.
iii. Provide catechist support and guidance with confirmation materials (Chosen for Second year)
- Assist with Community Service hours.
- Plan first year confirmation retreat & second year weekend retreat
- Maintain communication with parents.
- Liturgical Celebrations
- Reserve Celebration dates with Diocese
- Prepare candidates and families for celebration.
iii. Supervise documentation of candidates and sponsors.
- Collaborate with parish office for required record keeping.
- Order of Initiation for Adults
- Coordinate session calendar in union with team catechists
- Interview candidates when enrolling
- Supervise documentation, i.e. birth certificates, sacrament certificates Sponsor verification.
- Coordinate liturgical Rites during Sunday liturgies.
- Follow-up on special cases.
- Special case Sacrament preparation
- Customize sacrament preparation sessions via zoom for
- Individuals who need sacrament preparation and are in process to marriage.
- Special needs children (on the spectrum)
- Assess, develop and evaluate strategic catechetical goals and objectives relating to faith formation in English and Spanish.
- Develop English and Spanish catechetical curriculums.
- Select processes and materials for lifelong faith formation.
- Coordinate sacramental preparation for all age groups, parent and family including Baptism, First Communion and Confirmation.
- Leading a volunteer core team in planning and coordinating the programs and services.
- Facilitating the planning of, implementing, and evaluating long and short-range program goals.
- Assuring that legal and moral responsibilities are provided within the context of parish and diocesan programs.
- Prepare and monitor budget in connection with Parish Administrator, supervise records and other administrative tasks
- Supervising RCIA/RCIC
- Facilitating the planning of, implementing, and evaluating long and short-range program goals.
- Leading a volunteer core team in planning and coordinating the programs and services.
- Facilitating the training and support of leaders.
- Establishing a collaborative relationship with other members of the pastoral staff.
- Assuring that legal and moral responsibilities are provided within the context of the parish program.
- Additional assignments/requests as determined by Pastor.
- Administer Confirmation Program.
- Administer Youth Ministry Program as a year-round program.
- Facilitating the development of community among young people, their families, their parish, and the local community.
- Providing opportunities in the form of workshops, retreats, formal and informal training etc. for the spiritual formation of youth.
- Developing and implementing evangelization and outreach youth programs.
- Promoting active youth worship including participative and inclusive liturgy and prayer opportunities.
- Facilitating the training and formation of youth as leaders through recruiting, training, evaluating and encouraging vocations.
- Developing job descriptions and recruitment process for youth leadership.
- Developing and implementing catechetical programs for youth.
- Providing opportunities for service.
- Interpreting the needs of youth to the pastoral team and community.
- Supporting families in their role of promoting healthy adolescent development and faith growth.
- Recruit, train, and evaluate core team of youth leaders for both Youth Ministry and the Confirmation Program.
- Conduct regular leadership meetings Confirmation and Youth Ministry Team s needed.
- Conduct monthly meetings for the Confirmation Program as needed for planning and training.
- Coordinate with other parishes for best practices in youth ministry.
- Coordinate with other parishes as appropriate and timely for retreats, and other youth events.
- Confirmation retreats (overnight, 2 day)
- Attend local youth ministry cluster meetings regularly.
- Maintain accurate and timely data recording, including calling records, permission slips, enrollment information.
- Preferred master’s degree in catechetics or Collee Degree, religious education, theology, pastoral ministry or equivalent.
- Required Current Master Catechist Certification or Completion of the Institute for Leadership in Ministry
- Required Three to five years’ experience as a Catechetical Director or Coordinator.
- Required Proficiency in reading, writing and conversing in English and Spanish.
To Apply: Send resume to
Salary Range: $23.50 – $30.00 per hour based on experience and education.