United as disciples of Jesus Christ and nourished by the Eucharist, the Diocese of San José joyfully shares the Gospel by encountering Jesus in each person and growing together in faith, love, and service.


The people of the Diocese of San José value…
• Living and proclaiming the Gospel as disciples of Jesus Christ
• Welcoming and engaging liturgies and other opportunities for spiritual growth
• Caring for the poor and vulnerable
• Celebrating the rich diversity within our communities
• Collaborating between lay and ordained in ministry
• Partnering among Catholic parishes, schools, ministries, and other organizations
• Caring for the Earth as God’s sacred creation and our common home


We will grow as a welcoming and thriving Catholic Church, vibrant in our diversity. We are inspired by the Spirit, nurtured by faith in God, and sustained by Word and Sacrament. We will invite every person to encounter Jesus Christ through a unified
network of parishes, schools, ministries, and other organizations. We will perform life-changing works of evangelization, formation, charity, and justice. We will act in solidarity with the poor and vulnerable.