“The 50th Jubilee of the Diocese of San José in 2031 joyfully coincides with the 500th anniversary of Our Lady of Guadalupe’s appearance and message to St. Juan Diego.” ~ Bishop Oscar Cantú
With hearts full of hope and faith, we embark on an exciting journey with our pastoral plan, a roadmap for our shared future. The pastoral plan will not just be a document to be admired on a shelf. It is a living blueprint for action, a promise that we, as a diocese, are fully committed to making real, meaningful changes that will touch every heart in our community. Let us embark on this journey together, guided by the Holy Spirit, towards a future filled with hope and grace.
Worship – Volunteer as a liturgical minister at your parish
Formation – Dedicate 10 minutes in uninterrupted prayer with God every day
Outreach – Connect with someone who hasn’t been to Mass in a while and let them know they are missed, listen to them, and invite them to join you
Family – Read the bible together at home. Start with the Gospels
Youth and Young Adults – Be curious about our young people: ask them questions and listen to them and their experiences
Structural Renewal – Participate in the ADA to support implementation
• Let people know about the pastoral plan
• Participate in your parish or school’s local implementation team
Diocese New Mission, Values, & Vision
The Plan At A Glance
Meet the Planning and Implementation of the Pastoral Plan Team

Steve Milligan
Director of Planning and Implementation

Andrew Brown
Pastoral Planning & Implementation Associate Director

Zaira Martinez Robles
Pastoral Planning & Implementation Project Manager