RE Congress 2015If you’re planning to go to the RE Congress this year and want to be part of the choir for the Sunday Masses on March 15, check out the invitation below! 


February 4, 2015

Dear Musician & Friend:

A very Happy New Year to you! I hope this email finds you and your loved ones well and thriving.

The Los Angeles Religious Education Congress with over 42,000 delegates in attendance remains the largest annual catechetical and liturgical gathering in the world, and it happens every year right here in Southern California at the Anaheim Convention Center. The Church’s documents and the subsequent teachings of every Pope since Paul VI have called the Church to the inculturation of the liturgy. It is in this spirit that the Los Angeles Religious Education Liturgy Committee has worked diligently and tirelessly over the years to bring peoples from every corner of the world together and shape the Church’s prayer in faithfulness to the Church’s teachings, documents and in the spirit of the Second Vatican Council.

“See!” is the theme of the 2015 Los Angeles Religious Education Congress. The story of the man born blind reminds us to be attentive; to open our very beings to the presence of Christ in our midst. We are reminded that at the very moments that we think we can see everything clearly, in those moments in which we think we have the entire truth, that it is in those very moments we are called to pray to be healed from our own blindness – to open the eyes of our hearts and see anew. John Angotti wrote the theme song this year to lift and inspire us through the weekend and beyond.

In acknowledging your ongoing commitment to music ministry, I extend an invitation to you to participate in Congress Choir 2015. The combined talents of nearly 300 musicians comprise the group that will provide the music for the final liturgies on Sunday, March 15, 2015. Over 16,000 people attend these liturgies. I hope that in considering this invitation, you’ll decide to join us. I promise you, it is an experience to remember.

To participate, RSVP by clicking the following link and complete the online form at:

Attendance at the one Northern California rehearsal is mandatory:

LA Congress Choir Rehearsal
Saturday, February 21, 2015, 10:00a to 12:00p
Diocese of San Jose Chancery Offices
1150 North First Street, San Jose, CA 95112
First Floor

Contact: Diana Macalintal or 408-983-0136

Again, RSVP to reserve your seat with the Congress choir by February 18, 2015 at:
RSVP right away. We must cap the choir at 250.

With care in Christ,

John Flaherty
Chair, Congress Liturgy Committee
Congress Music Director
Los Angeles Religious Education Congress