Jul 15, 2024
“We pray for the recovery of former President Trump, for the the death of Corey Comperatore, and for those injured in the shooting incident at the political rally in Pennsylvania. Let us pray earnestly for peaceful and civil discourse in this fraught election cycle.”
U.S. Bishops’ President Condemns Political Violence and Calls for Prayers for Peace
Following the news of the shooting at a political rally involving former President Donald Trump today, Archbishop Timothy P. Broglio of the Archdiocese for the Military Services, USA, and president of the U.S. Conference of Bishops (USCCB) offered the following statement.
WASHINGTON – Following the news of the shooting at a political rally involving former President Donald Trump today, Archbishop Timothy P. Broglio of the Archdiocese for the Military Services, USA, and president of the U.S. Conference of Bishops (USCCB) offered the following statement:
“Together with my brother bishops, we condemn political violence, and we offer our prayers for President Trump, and those who were killed or injured. We also pray for our country and for an end to political violence, which is never a solution to political disagreements. We ask all people of goodwill to join us in praying for peace in our country. Mary, Mother of God and Patroness of the Americas, pray for us.”
Earlier this summer, the USCCB issued a statement on political violence, urging all Christians and people of good will to abstain from political violence, and instead, ‘pursue what leads to peace and building up one another’ through dialogue, seeking justice.
Jul 8, 2024
The Diocese of San José is delighted to announce that The Valley Catholic, now only in its second year, has been honored with two distinguished national awards from the Catholic Media Association for 2024. The Valley Catholic received an Honorable Mention in the Diocesan Catholic Magazine of the Year category and secured Third Place in the Special Issue category for the memorial issue “In Memory of Bishop Emeritus Patrick J. McGrath.”
What the judges had to say:
“I loved the fact that this entry had all of the articles published in three languages. Very impressive.”
“This special issue is a touching and beautiful tribute. Its articles are designed with care and dedication to the theme of the issue. Each piece is meaningful and professionally written and formatted.”
We enthusiastically invite the faithful of the Diocese of San José to read The Valley Catholic’s award-winning local coverage, available in both print and online! We also encourage you to share the magazine and its compelling local stories near and far. With new monthly features and web-exclusive content, The Valley Catholic is a powerful tool that may help unify and grow our Catholic community, while also reaching those who may be distant from the Church. This aligns with the first objective under Outreach priority in our Pastoral Plan: to share the Good News by encountering and listening to those currently not engaged in practicing the Faith.
Consider striking up a conversation with someone about one of our stories by visiting: www.TheValleyCatholic.com
Your participation is essential! We welcome story submission requirements and ideas, which can be submitted at https://www.dsj.org/storysubmission/
Join us in spirit as we celebrate this national recognition. Thank you for allowing us to tell the story of the Diocese of San José!
The Valley Catholic Editor and Communications Staff
Apr 22, 2024
To serve the people of God and following extensive consultation with the Clergy Personnel Board over the last few months, Bishop Oscar Cantú has made the following new clergy assignments effective July 1, 2024, unless otherwise indicated.
Office of Pastor
- Rev. Christopher Bransfield – from pastor of Saint Justin in Santa Clara to pastor of Church of the Transfiguration in San Jose
- Rev. Tito Jesus Cartagenas – from pastor of Church of the Transfiguration in San Jose to pastor of Saint Julie in San Jose
- Rev. Angelo David – from pastor of Saint Julie in San Jose to pastor of Saint Mary of Immaculate Conception in Los Gatos
- Rev. Generoso Geronimo – from parochial vicar of Saint Martin of Tours in San Jose to pastor of Saint Justin in Santa Clara
- Rev. Roberto Gomez – from pastor of Saint Martin in Sunnyvale to pastor of Our Lady of Refuge in San Jose
- Rev. Bartholomew Hutcherson, O.P. – from serving outside the diocese to pastor of Catholic Community at Stanford
- Rev. Robain Lamba – from parochial vicar of Saint Francis of Assisi to pastor of Saint Cyprian in Sunnyvale
- Rev. Gerardo Menchaca – from pastor of Our Lady of Guadalupe in San Jose to pastor of Saint Catherine of Alexandria in Morgan Hill
- Rev. Prosper Molengi – from parochial vicar of Saint Lucy in Campbell to pastor of Saint Martin in Sunnyvale
- Rev. Vincent Pineda – from pastor of Saint Cyprian in Sunnyvale to pastor of Saint Francis of Assisi in San Jose
- Rev. Hugo Rojas – from pastor of Our Lady of Refuge in San Jose to pastor of Our Lady of Guadalupe in San Jose
- Rev. Celso Singson – from parochial vicar of Queen of Apostles in San Jose to pastor of Saint Martin of Tours in San Jose
- Rev. Anthony Uytingco – from parochial vicar of Saint Lawrence the Martyr in Santa Clara to pastor of Queen of Apostles in San Jose
Office of Parochial Vicar
- Rev. Msgr. Francisco Rios – from parochial vicar at Saint Catherine of Alexandria in Morgan Hill to parochial vicar at Cathedral Basilica of St. Joseph in San Jose
- Rev. Robert Brocato – from in-residence at Our Lady of Guadalupe in San Jose to in-residence at Saint Catherine of Alexandria in Morgan Hill
- Rev. Tony Famave – from parochial vicar at Holy Family in San Jose to parochial vicar at Saint Martin of Tours in San Jose
- Rev. Jeff Fernandez – from pastor at Queen of Apostles in San Jose to in-residence at Queen of Apostles in San Jose
- Rev. Andrey Garcia – from parochial vicar at Cathedral Basilica of St. Joseph in San Jose to parochial vicar at Our Lady of Guadalupe in San Jose
- Rev. Thuc Si Ho – from parochial vicar at Saint Simon in Los Altos to parochial vicar at Saint Elizabeth in Milpitas
- Rev. John Hoang – from parochial vicar at Holy Spirit in San Jose to parochial vicar at Holy Family in San Jose
- Rev. Dat Luong – from parochial vicar at Our Lady of La Vang in San Jose to parochial vicar at Saint Simon in Los Altos
- Rev. Anthony Tan Nguyen – from parochial vicar at Christ the King in San Jose to parochial vicar at Our Lady of La Vang in San Jose
- Rev. Duong T. Nguyen – from parochial vicar at Saint Elizabeth in Milpitas to parochial vicar at Our Lady of Refuge in San Jose
- Rev. Eddie Obero – from parochial vicar at Saint Joseph in Mountain View to parochial vicar at Saint Francis of Assisi in San Jose
- Rev. Jon Pedigo – from sabbatical to parochial vicar at Saint Lucy in Campbell
- Rev. Peter Luc Phan – from parochial vicar at Saint Martin in Sunnyvale to parochial vicar at Christ the King in San Jose
- Rev. Noel Sanvicente – from special assignment as Judicial Vicar to parochial vicar at Saint Joseph in Mountain View
- Rev. Reynaldo Sarmiento – from pastor of Saint Francis of Assisi in San Jose to parochial vicar at Saint Francis Cabrini in San Jose
Special Assignments
- Rev. Jeff Fernandez has been appointed director, Office of Worship.
- Rev. Saju Joseph, JCL, has been appointed Judicial Vicar and director, Tribunal.
- Rev. Sergio Ovando will minister outside the Diocese of San José as Professor of Sacred Scripture at St. John’s Seminary of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles.
- Rev. Joseph Tran – departing as parochial vicar of Saint Francis Cabrini to study Canon Law at the University of Santo Tomas in Manila.
- Rev. Xavier Lavagetto, O.P.
- Rev. John Tran, OFM
Apr 9, 2024
La Iglesia Católica apoya a todas las víctimas de crímenes, especialmente a las víctimas de crímenes violentos. Como Obispo de San José, también apoyo y felicito al Fiscal de Distrito del Condado de Santa Clara, Jeff Rosen, por su decisión profética y ejemplar de reajustar las sentencias de pena de muerte en nuestro condado a cadena perpetua. Esta decisión es un paso importante hacia el respeto de la santidad de toda vida humana, el cual es un principio fundamental de la enseñanza social católica.
El Catecismo de la Iglesia Católica afirma claramente que “la pena de muerte es inadmisible, porque atenta contra la inviolabilidad y la dignidad de la persona” (CIC 2267). Esta enseñanza refleja un profundo respeto por la vida humana, incluso frente a crímenes graves. Si bien apoyamos a las víctimas y a sus seres queridos en su dolor y pena por sus pérdidas, también reconocemos la posibilidad de conversión y redención para cada alma, enfatizando nuestro llamado a fomentar una cultura de vida que busca justicia sin recurrir a la pena de muerte.
La enseñanza social católica nos insiste a reconocer la dignidad de cada ser humano, especialmente de los más vulnerables. En consonancia con estas enseñanzas, la Iglesia aboga por una ética de vida coherente que abarca a los no nacidos, los pobres, los migrantes, los enfermos y aquellos que se encuentran en el sistema de justicia penal. Como ha expresado el Papa Francisco: “Toda vida tiene un valor inestimable, incluso los más débiles y vulnerables, los enfermos, los ancianos, los no nacidos y los pobres, son obras maestras de la creación de Dios, hechas a su propia imagen, destinadas a vivir para siempre y merecedoras de la mayor reverencia y respeto.” El mismo Jesús se identificó con los marginados: “Porque tuve hambre… fui extranjero, y me recibieron; estaba desnudo, y me vistieron; enfermo, y me visitaron; en la cárcel, y vinieron a Mí” (Mt 25, 35-36).
La decisión del fiscal Rosen se alinea con estos valores, desafiándonos a buscar alternativas a la pena de muerte que respetan la vida y la dignidad humana, promueven la rehabilitación y fomentan una sociedad más segura y compasiva. Es un llamado a alejarnos de la justicia punitiva hacia una justicia restaurativa que sana y reconstruye vidas.
Apoyemos esta decisión como comunidad que valora cada vida humana. Sigamos trabajando juntos hacia una unión más perfecta, construyendo un sistema de justicia que refleja nuestro compromiso con la vida, la misericordia y la redención. Oremos por la fuerza para defender la dignidad de todas las personas y por la sabiduría para encontrar caminos que conduzcan a la verdadera justicia y paz.