Bishop Cantú’s Christmas Message 2023

Christmas Message in Spanish  |  Vietnamese


Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

As we celebrate Christmas this year, I must admit my profound sadness and concern for the people in the land of Jesus, the Holy Land, who remain at war. From the vile and horrific slaughter on October 7th of Israeli civilians by members of Hamas in southern Israel, to the relentless bombings and strikes in Gaza, the entire situation has been a tragic loss of human life.

Tradition holds that when the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph escaped the wrath of King Herod, making their way to Egypt as refugees, they passed through what is now Gaza City. Hence, the parish in Gaza City is named Holy Family Catholic Church.

In my many visits to the Holy Land, I was often part of a delegation of bishops from various countries. Our group was commissioned by the Vatican to promote dialogue between Palestinians and Israelis, and to promote the two-state solution – with Palestinians having their own state living side by side in security and peace with the Israelis. While the two-state solution may seem a remote possibility these days, the prophets encourage us to envision even a most unlikely peace with the coming of the Lord: “Then the wolf shall be a guest of the lamb, and the leopard shall lie down with the young goat; The calf and the young lion shall browse together, with a little child to guide them.” (Is 11:6). We must never cease to pray for this peace!

In dialoguing with a variety of persons in both Israel and Palestine in recent years, I came to realize how dynamic democracy is in Israel and that a variety of Israeli voices recognize the need to dialogue and build peace with Palestinians. There were valiant efforts at doing this. Yet, there were other Israeli efforts that systematically thwarted the dignity of Palestinians, among them Palestinian Christians (Orthodox and Catholic). I witnessed these daily indignities firsthand.

In one of my many visits to Gaza with a small delegation of bishops, we had the opportunity to visit students in the three Catholic schools in Gaza City. As we dialogued with the teens at the high school, they recounted to us their experience of the then-recent war (2014). They spoke to us of their daily fears as they heard explosions from rocket fire, of their fear of running out of food or water as they hunkered down in their modest homes. Before we left, one young teen stood and shared with the bishops that he had been recounting his daily experiences of the war on social media. Someone from Europe asked him if his family was safe, if they had food and water to survive. The teen responded, “Thanks be to God, we are okay. We have food and water. But what we need is dignity.”

Palestinians need safety and dignity. Israelis need safety and dignity. Let us pray to the Prince of Peace this Christmas for peace in the land that he once inhabited and made holy.

Bishop Oscar Cantú

Bishop Cantú’s Christmas Message 2023 Spanish

Christmas Message in English  |  Vietnamese

Queridos Hermanos y Hermanas en Cristo,

Al celebrar la Navidad este año, debo admitir mi profunda tristeza y preocupación por la gente de la tierra de Jesús, la Tierra Santa, que sigue en guerra. Desde la vil y horrible masacre de civiles israelíes el 7 de octubre por miembros de Hamas en el sur de Israel, hasta los implacables bombardeos y ataques en Gaza, toda la situación ha sido una trágica pérdida de vidas humanas.

La tradición nos cuenta que cuando la Sagrada Familia de Jesús, María y José escaparon de la ira del rey Herodes y se dirigieron a Egipto como refugiados, pasaron por lo que hoy es la ciudad de Gaza. Por lo tanto, la parroquia de la ciudad de Gaza se llama Iglesia Católica de la Sagrada Familia.

En mis numerosas visitas a Tierra Santa, a menudo formé parte de una delegación de obispos de varios países. Nuestro grupo recibió el encargo del Vaticano de promover el diálogo entre palestinos e israelíes y promover la solución de dos Estados: que los palestinos tuvieran su propio Estado y convivieran en condiciones de seguridad y paz con los israelíes. Si bien la solución de dos Estados puede parecer una posibilidad remota en estos días, los profetas nos alientan a imaginar incluso una paz muy improbable con la venida del Señor: “El lobo morará con el cordero, Y el leopardo se echará con el cabrito. El becerro, el leoncillo y el animal doméstico andarán juntos, y un niño los conducirá” (Isaías 11:6). ¡Nunca debemos dejar de orar por esta paz!

Al dialogar con una variedad de personas tanto en Israel como en Palestina en los últimos años, me di cuenta de cuán dinámica es la democracia en Israel y de que una variedad de voces israelíes reconocen la necesidad de dialogar y construir la paz con los palestinos. Se hicieron esfuerzos valientes para lograrlo. Sin embargo, hubo otros esfuerzos israelíes que frustraron sistemáticamente la dignidad de los palestinos, entre ellos los cristianos palestinos (ortodoxos y católicos). Fui testigo de primera mano de estas indignidades diarias.

En una de mis muchas visitas a Gaza con una pequeña delegación de obispos, tuvimos la oportunidad de visitar a los estudiantes de las tres escuelas católicas de la ciudad de Gaza. Mientras dialogábamos con los adolescentes de la escuela secundaria, ellos nos contaron su experiencia de la entonces reciente guerra (2014). Nos hablaron de sus temores diarios al escuchar las explosiones de los cohetes, de su miedo a quedarse sin comida o agua mientras se refugiaban en sus modestas casas. Antes de irnos, un joven adolescente se puso de pie y compartió con los obispos que había estado contando sus experiencias diarias de la guerra en las redes sociales. Alguien de Europa le preguntó si su familia estaba a salvo, si tenían comida y agua para sobrevivir. El adolescente respondió: “Gracias a Dios, estamos bien. Tenemos comida y agua. Pero lo que necesitamos es dignidad.”

Los palestinos necesitan seguridad y dignidad. Los israelíes necesitan seguridad y dignidad. Oremos al Príncipe de la Paz en esta Navidad por la paz en la tierra que Él una vez habitó y santificó.

Obispo Oscar Cantú

Bishop Cantú’s Christmas Message 2023 Vietnamese

Christmas Message in English  |  Spanish


Kính gửi quý Anh Chị em trong Chúa Ki-tô,

Trong khi chúng ta mừng Lễ Giáng Sinh năm nay, tôi thấy lòng đau buồn và trăn trở cho người dân trong xứ của Chúa Giê-su, nơi được gọi là Đất Thánh, hiện đang bị chiến tranh. Từ cuộc chiến đẫm máu rùng rợn ngày 7 tháng 10 xảy đến cho người dân Do Thái ở về phía Nam do các thành viên Hamas gây ra, đến các cuộc dội bom liên tục vào Gaza, tất cả cuộc chiến là một tai họa lớn lao cho con người.

Theo truyền thuyết, khi Gia đình Thánh gia gồm Chúa Giê-su, Đức Mẹ, và Thánh Giu-se chạy trốn sang Ai Cập để thoát cơn giận dữ của Vua Hê-rô-đê, trên đường sang Ai Cập để làm người tỵ nạn, các Ngài đã đi qua miền đất nay gọi là Gaza (hay Thành Phố Gaza).  Do đó, nhà thờ Công giáo ở Gaza mang tên là Nhà thờ Thánh Gia.

Trong nhiều lần đến thăm Đất thánh trước đây, tôi được tham gia với các giám mục từ nhiều quốc gia.  Phái đoàn của chúng tôi được Tòa Thánh chỉ định để cổ võ việc đối thoại giữa người Palestinians và người Do thái, và cổ võ sự thành hình của giải pháp hai quốc gia  – với quốc gia của người Palestinians sống chung trong hòa bình với người Do Thái.  Ngày nay giải pháp hai quốc gia này xem ra vượt khỏi tầm tay, nhưng lời các ngôn sứ thuở trước vẫn còn khuyến khích ta nhìn ra ngay cả một viễn ảnh hòa bình quá khó khăn trong thời gian mong đợi Chúa đến: “Bấy giờ, sói sẽ ở với chiên con, beo nằm bên dê nhỏ. Bò tơ và sư tử non được nuôi chung với nhau, một cậu bé sẽ chăn dắt chúng.” (Is. 11: 6)  Chúng ta đừng bao giờ quên cầu nguyện cho một nền hòa bình ở đây.

Trong khi đối thoại với một số người ở cả hai miền đất Do Thái và Palestine trong những năm gần đây, tôi chợt nhận ra tầm quan trọng của một nền dân chủ ở Do Thái và những tiếng nói khác nhau ở Do Thái để đối thoại và xây dựng hòa bình với người Palestinians.  Cũng đã có những nỗ lực và quyết tâm trong việc thi hành để mang lại điều này. Tuy nhiên, vẫn còn có những nỗ lực về phía người Do Thái tìm cách ngăn chận và xóa bỏ phẩm giá của người Palestinians, mà một trong những Nhóm này là người Ki-tô hữu Palestinians (Chính Thống và Công giáo). Tôi đã chứng kiến tận mắt những điều bất xứng này.

Trong một lần đến thăm ở Gaza với một phái đoàn nhỏ các Giám mục, chúng tôi có cơ hội đến thăm ba trường Công giáo ở Thành phố Gaza. Trong khi chúng tôi nói chuyện với các em ở một trường trung học, các em đã kể cho chúng tôi nghe về cuộc chiến vừa qua (năm 2014) và kinh nghiệm của các em trong cuộc chiến ấy.  Các em đã kể với chúng tôi về những nỗi lo sợ hàng ngày mà các em phải chịu, khi nghe tiếng nổ từ phi đạn hỏa tiễn, cho đến những lo sợ thiếu thức ăn và nước uống, trong khi phải ẩn nấp trong các căn nhà nhỏ bé và tồi tàn của các em. Trước khi chúng tôi ra về, một em đã chia xẻ với các giám mục rằng em đã kể lại trên trang mạng xã hội những kinh nghiệm mà em đã trải qua trong cuộc chiến.  Có một người từ Âu châu đã hỏi là gia đình em có được an toàn không, có đủ thức ăn và nước uống không.  Em học sinh trả lời: “Cám ơn Chúa, gia đình con bằng an. Chúng con có thức ăn và nước uống. Chúng con chỉ muốn có phẩm giá.”

Người Palestinians cần an toàn và phẩm giá. Người Do Thái cần an toàn và phẩm giá.  Vào lễ Giáng Sinh năm nay chúng ta hãy cầu xin Hoàng tử Bình An ban hòa bình cho miền đất mà trước đây Ngài đã cư ngụ và đã làm cho trở nên miền đất thánh thiện.

Giám Mục Oscar Cantú

2023 Christmas Mass Schedule


The Roman Catholic Bishop of San Jose wishes you a Blessed Christmas and invites you to Christmas Mass at a Parish near you. 

Check the parish website or social media for more information.

Please click on the city to find a parish or your parish’s Christmas Mass schedule: Alviso | Campbell | Cupertino | Gilroy | Los Altos | Los Gatos | Milpitas | Morgan Hill | Mountain View | Palo Alto | San Jose | Santa Clara | Saratoga | Sunnyvale


Christmas Eve Christmas Day
Our Lady Star of the Sea
1385 Michigan Ave.
Livestream Link:
  • 9:00 PM – Spanish
  • 12:00 PM – Bilingual
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Christmas Eve Christmas Day
St. Lucy
2350 Winchester Blvd.
  • 4:00 pm, English
  • 6:00 pm, English
  • 8:00 pm, Spanish
  • 12 midnight, English
  • 7:00 am, English
  • 9:00 am, English
  • 11:00 am, English
  • 1:00 pm Spanish
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Christmas Eve Christmas Day
St. Joseph of Cupertino
10110 N. DeAnza Blvd.

Livestream Link:
Website, YouTube

  • 4:00 pm, English
  • 6:00 pm, English
  • 10:00 pm, English
  • 9:30 am, English
  • 11:00 am, English
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Christmas Eve Christmas Day
St. Mary
11 First St.
Livestream Link:
  • 5pm English Family Mass
  • 7pm Spanish Family Mass
  • 10:30 Bilingual Mass
  • 7am English,
  • 9am Spanish (livestream),
  • 11am English (livestream),
  • 1pm Spanish
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Los Altos

Christmas Eve Christmas Day
St. Nicholas
473 Lincoln Ave.
Livestream Link:
  • 4:00 pm, English, St. William Church (Christmas Pageant) (Livestream)
  • 4:00 pm, English, St. Nicholas Church
  • 6:00 pm, English, St. William Church
  • 6:00 pm, English, St. Nicholas Church
  • 9:00 pm, French, St. Nicholas Church
  • 11:00 pm, English, St. Nicholas Church
  • 8:00 am, English, St. Nicholas Church
  • 9:00 am, English, St. William Church
  • 10:00 am, English, St. Nicholas Church
  • 11:00 am, English, St. William Church
St. Simon
1860 Grant Ave.
Livestream Link:

  • 3:00pm, English, Children’s Choir, Livestream
  • 5:00pm, English, Contemporary Music, Livestream
  • 11:30pm, Carols followed by Midnight Mass at 12:00am, English, Livestream
  • 7:30am, English
  • 9:00am, English, Livestream
  • 11:15am, English
St. William
611 S. El Monte Ave.
Livestream Link:
  • 4:00 pm, English, St. William Church (Christmas Pageant) (Livestream)
  • 4:00 pm, English, St. Nicholas Church
  • 6:00 pm, English, St. William Church
  • 6:00 pm, English, St. Nicholas Church
  • 9:00 pm, French, St. Nicholas Church
  • 11:00 pm, English, St. Nicholas Church
  • 8:00 am, English, St. Nicholas Church
  • 9:00 am, English, St. William Church
  • 10:00 am, English, St. Nicholas Church
  • 11:00 am, English, St. William Church
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Los Gatos

Christmas Eve Christmas Day
St. Mary of the Immaculate Conception
219 Bean Ave.
408.354.3726 Link:
Parish Website
  • 4:00pm, English, Livestream
  • 6:00pm, English
  • 10:00pm, English, Livestream
  • 9:00am, English, Livestream
  • 11:00am, English
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Christmas Eve Christmas Day
St. Elizabeth
750 Sequoia Dr.
www.stelizabethmilpitas.orgLivestream Link:
  • 2:30 PM Vietnamese Family Mass (with Christmas Pageant)
  • 5:30 PM English Family Mass
  • 9:00 PM Vietnamese Mass
  • 11:00 PM Pre-Midnight Mass (English/Spanish)
  • 8:00 AM English Mass
  • 9:30 AM Vietnamese Mass
  • 11:00 AM English Mass
  • 12:30 PM Spanish Mass
St. John the Baptist
279 S. Main St.
http://www.sjbparish.orgLivestream Link:
  • 8:00 am, English
  • 10:00 am, Spanish, Livestreamed
  • 12:00 pm, English, Livestreamed
  • 4:00 pm, Vietnamese
  • 5:30 pm, English/Spanish
  • 7:00 am, English
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Morgan Hill

Christmas Eve Christmas Day
St. Catherine of Alexandria
17400 Peak Ave.
http://www.stca.orgLivestream link:
  • 4:00pm English (In the Church & another mass in Parish Center)
  • 6:00pm English
  • 12:00am Bilingual Midnight Mass. Livestreamed
  • 8:45am English
  • 10:30am English, Livestreamed
  • 12:15pm Misa en Español, Livestreamed
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Mountain View

Christmas Eve Christmas Day
St. Athanasius
160 N. Rengstorff Ave.
650.961.8600 Link:
YouTube, Facebook
  • 5:30 am, English
  • 8:00 am, English
  • 9:30 am, Spanish, Livestreamed
  • 11:00 am, English, Livestreamed
  • 1:00 pm, Spanish
  • 5:30 pm, English/Spanish
  • 11:00 am, English
  • 1:00 pm, Spanish
St. Joseph
582 Hope St.
http://www.sjpmv.orgLivestream Link:
  • 4pm Christmas Carols/English
  • 4:30pm Family Mass/English
  • 6:30pm Mass/Spanish
  • 8:00pm Mass/Tamil
  • 10pm Christmas Carols/English
  • 10:30pm Night Mass/English
  • 7am English
  • 8:30am English
  • 10am English
  • 11:30am English
  • 1pm Spanish


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Palo Alto

Christmas Eve Christmas Day
Catholic Community at Stanford
Stanford Memorial Church
650.725.0080 Link:
  • Please contact the Parish for their Christmas Mass Schedule.
  • Please contact the Parish for their Christmas Mass Schedule.
Our Lady of the Rosary
3233 Cowper St.
  • Please contact the Parish for their Christmas Mass Schedule.
  • Please contact the Parish for their Christmas Mass Schedule.
St. Albert the Great
1095 Channing Ave.
  • Please contact the Parish for their Christmas Mass Schedule.
  • Please contact the Parish for their Christmas Mass Schedule.
St. Thomas Aquinas
751 Waverley St.
  • 5pm Saint Albert the Great, English
  • 5pm Our Lady of the Rosary, English (Family Mass)
  • 6pm Saint Thomas Aquinas, English (Thomas Merton Center)
  • 7pm Our Lady of the Rosary, Spanish
  • 12am Saint Thomas Aquinas, Gregorian
  • 7:30am Saint Thomas Aquinas, English
  • 9:00am Saint Albert the Great, English
  • 10:30am Our Lady of the Rosary, English
  • 11am Saint Thomas Aquinas, Gregorian
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San Jose

Christmas Eve Christmas Day
Cathedral Basilica of St. Joseph
80 S. Market St.
Livestream Link:
Facebook  Website
  • 4:30 P.M Mass – English | Livestream
  • 7:00 P.M Mass – Spanish
  • 11:00 P.M Lessons and Carols
  • 12:00 A.M Midnight Mass | Livestream
  • 9:00 A.M Mass – English
  • 11:00 A. M Mass – Spanish | Livestream
Christ the King
5284 Monterey Rd.
  • 5pm, English
  • 7pm, Spanish
  • 9pm, Vietnamese
  • 9am, English
  • 11am, Vietnamese
  • 1pm, Spanish
Church of the Transfiguration
4325 Jarvis Ave.
Livestream Link:
  • 6PM ( Christmas Carols)
  • 6:30PM Mass (In Person)
  • 10AM
  • 12Noon
Five Wounds Portuguese National Church
1375 E. Santa Clara St.
Livestream Link:
  • 9:00am, English, Livestream
  • 10:30am, Portuguese, Livestream
  • 6:00pm, English, Livestream
  • 12am, Portuguese/English, Livestream


  • 9:00am, English, Livestream
  • 10:30am, Portuguese, Livestream
Holy Cross
580 E. Jackson St.
  • 6:00pm, English
  • 8:00pm, Spanish
  • 8:00am, English
  • 9:30am, Spanish
  • 11:30am, English
  • 1:00pm, Spanish
Holy Family
4848 Pearl Ave.
Livestream Link:
  • 4:00 pm – Family Mass, English, Children’s Lit, Livestreamed
  • 6:30pm, English
  • 9:30pm, English
  • 8am, English, Livestreamed
  • 9:30am, English
  • 11:15am, English
Holy Korean Martyrs
1523 McLaughlin Ave.
Livestream Link:
YouTube, Website
  • 8:00pm Korean
  • 9:30am English
  • 11:00am Korean
Holy Spirit
1200 Redmond Ave.
Livestream Link:
  • 4:00pm – Christmas Mass and Christmas Pageant – School Gym (English)
  • 4:00pm – Christmas Mass – Church (English/Livestream)
  • 7:00pm – English
  • 12:00am – English
  • 9:30am – English – Livestream
  • 11:30am – English
Immaculate Heart of Mary Oratory
1101 S. Winchester Blvd, Building C
  • Low Mass, 8:00 a.m. Latin
  • Low Mass, 9:30 a.m. Latin
  • Sung High Mass, 11:15a.m. Latin
  • High Mass, Midnight, 12:00a.m. Latin
  • Low Mass, 9:30a.m. Latin
  • High Mass, 11:15a.m. Latin
Most Holy Trinity
2940 Nassau Dr.
Livestream Link:
  • 4:00 pm – Vietnamese
  •  6:00 pm – English
  • 8:00 pm – Spanish
  • 10:00 pm – Vietnamese
  • 12 midnight – Tagalog
  • 9:15 am – English
  • 11:00 am – Spanish
  • 12:45 pm – Tagalog
  • 3:45 pm – Vietnamese
Our Lady of Guadalupe
2020 E. San Antonio St.
  • 8:00 pm, English
  • 10:00 pm, Spanish
  • 11:00 am, Bilingual (English and Spanish)
Our Lady of La Vang
389 E. Santa Clara St.
  • Our Lady of La Vang Church – 3:30pm (English/Vietnamese Children Mass), 6:00pm, 8:00pm, 10:00pm
  • Vietnamese Catholic Center – 4:00pm, 6:00pm, 8:00pm
  • St. Frances Cabrini – 7:30pm
  • Holy Family – 8:00pm
  • St. John the Baptist – 9:00pm
  • St. Victor – 9:00pm
  • Our Lady of La Vang Church (all Vietnamese Masses except indicated otherwise) – 7:00am, 8:30am, 10:00am, 12:00noon (Spanish), 4:00pm, 5:30pm
  • Vietnamese Catholic Center – 8:00am, 9:30am, 11:00am
  • Holy Family – 3:00pm
  • St. Victor – 3:00pm
  • St. John the Baptist – 4:00pm


Our Lady of Refuge
2165 Lucretia Ave.
  • 4:00 PM – English
  • 6:00 PM – Vietnamese
  • 8:00 PM – Spanish
  • 11:00 PM–Tamil
  • 8:00 AM–Vietnamese
  • 10:00 AM–Spanish
  • 12:00 PM–English
  • 4:00 PM–Vietnamese
Queen of Apostles
4911 Moorpark Ave.
Livestream Link:
  • Vigil Mass
  • 5:00pm, English (Children’s Mass)
  • 7:00pm, English (Family Mass)
  • 11:00pm, English (Midnight Mass)
  • 9:00am, English
  • 11:00am, English
  • 7:00pm, English
Sacred Heart of Jesus
325 Willow St.
Livestream Link:
  • 5:00 PM Spanish Mass
  • 7:00 PM Spanish Mass
  • 9:00 AM English Mass
  • 11:00 AM Spanish Mass
St. Anthony
20101 McKean Rd.
Little Church – 21800 Bertram Rd.
Livestream Link:
  • 4:00 PM English (Big Church, McKean Rd)
  • 6:00 PM English (Little Church, Bertram Rd)
  • 9:30 AM English (Big Church, McKean Rd)
St. Brother Albert Chmielowski Polish Mission
10250 Clayton Rd.
  • Please contact the Parish directly for their Christmas Mass Schedule
  • Please contact the Parish directly for their Christmas Mass Schedule
St. Christopher
1576 Curtner Ave.
St. Frances Cabrini
15333 Woodard Rd.
Livestream Link:
Website , Facebook
  • 4.00 PM- Children Mass (English)
  • 10.00 PM- Mass (English)
  • 8.00 AM (English)
  • 9.30 AM (English)
  • 11.30 AM (English)
  • 1.00 PM (Assyrian)
St. Francis of Assisi
5111 San Felipe Rd.
  • 4:00 pm
  • 5:00 pm
  • 6:00 pm (Vietnamese)
  • 8:00 pm (Bilingual)
  • 11:30 pm Lessons & Carols 1
  • 2:00 pm
  • 8:00 am
  • 10:00 am
  • 12:00 pm
  • 4:00 pm (Vietnamese)
St. John Vianney
4600 Hyland Ave.
Livestream Link:
  • 4:00pm, Family Mass/English – Livestream
  • 7:00pm, Spanish Mass – Livestream
  • 11:00pm, Congregational Carols – Livestream
  • 12:00am, Bilingual Midnight Mass – Livestream
  • 8:00am, English Mass – Livestream
  • 10:00am, English Mass – Livestream
  • 12:00noon, Spanish Mass – Livestream
  • 6:00pm, English Mass – Livestream
St. Julie Billiart
366 St. Julie Dr.
Livestream Link:
St. Leo the Great
88 Race St.
Livestream Link:
  • 4:00PM (ENGLISH)
  • 6:00PM(ENGLISH)
  • 8:00PM (ESPAÑOL)
  • 12:00AM (BI-LINGUAL)
  • 7:30AM (ENGLISH)
  • 9:30AM (ENGLISH)
  • 11:30AM (ESPAÑOL
St. Maria Goretti
2980 Senter Rd.
Livestream Link:
  • 4:00 p.m. English (church)
  • 5:30 p.m. Vietnamese (church)
  • 7:00 p.m. Spanish (church)
  • 9:00 p.m. Vietnamese (church)
  • 12:00 a.m. English (church)
  • 6:45 a.m. English (church)
  • 8:00 a.m. Vietnamese (church)
  • 9:30 a.m. English (church)
  • 9:30 a.m. Vietnamese (patio)
  • 11:00 a.m. Vietnamese (church)
  • 11:00 a.m. English (patio)
  • 12:30 p.m. Spanish (church)
  • 2:30 p.m. Vietnamese (church)
  • 4:00 p.m. English (church)
  • 5:30 p.m. Vietnamese (church)
St. Martin of Tours
200 O’Connor Dr.
Livestream Link:
Facebook , YouTube,   Zoom,
  • 3:30pm, English
  • 5:00pm. English,, Livestream
  • 8:00pm, English
  • 8:30am, English
  • 10:00am, English
  • 11:30am, English
  • New Year, January 1, 2024, 9:00am, English
St. Mary of The Assumption Croatian Mission
901 Lincoln Ave.
  • Please contact the Parish directly for their Christmas Mass Schedule
  • Please contact the Parish directly for their Christmas Mass Schedule.
St. Thomas of Canterbury
1522 McCoy Ave.
Livestream Link:
Facebook ,  YouTube
  • 5:15 pm, Children’s Choir, English, Livestream
  • 10 am, Men’s Choir, English
St. Victor
3108 Sierra Rd.
Livestream Link:
Facebook, Zoom
  • 4:00 pm, English
  • 6:00 pm, English
  • 9:00 pm, Vietnamese
  • 12:00 midnight, English
  • 7:00 am, English
  • 8:00 am, English
  • 9:15 am, English
  • 10:45 am, English
  • 12:15 pm, English
  • 3:00 pm, Vietnamese
Santa Teresa
794 Calero Ave.
Livestream Link:
  • 4:00 pm – English – Livestream
  • 6:30 pm – English
  • 9:00 pm – English
  • 8:30 am – English
  • 10:00 am – English
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Santa Clara

Christmas Eve Christmas Day
Mission Santa Clara de Asis
500 El Camino Real
Livestream Link:
  • Please contact the Mission for their Christmas Mass Schedule.
  • Please contact the Missionfor their Christmas Mass Schedule.
Our Lady of Peace
2800 Mission College Blvd.
Livestream Link:
  • 8pm, English, Church
  • 12am Midnight, English, Church (preceeded by 11pm, English Christmas Lessons and Carols)
  • 4pm, English, Church
  • 6pm, Spanish, Church


  • 6:30am, English, Church
  • 8am, English, Church
  • 10am, English, Church
  • noon, English, Church
  • 2pm, English, Church
  • 4pm, English, Church
  • 6pm, Español, Church
  • 8pm, English, Church
St. Clare
941 Lexington St.
Livestream Link:

Christmas Eve – Sunday, December 24

  • English Vigil Mass 4:00 pm Livestream
  • Spanish Vigil Mass 6:00 pm Livestream
  • Chinese Vigil Mass 7:30 pm
  • Portuguese Vigil Mass 9:00 pm

Christmas Day – Monday, December 25

  • English 7:30 am Mass
  • Portuguese 9:00 am Mass
  • English 10:30 am Mass
  • Spanish 12:00 Noon Mass
  • Cantonese 1:30 pm Mass
  • Mandarin 3:00 pm Mass


St. Justin
2655 Homestead Rd.
Livestream Link:
  • 4:00pm Family Mass, English
  • 6:00pm, English
  • 11:00pm, English
  • 7:30am, English
  • 9:00am, English (Livestream)
  • 10:30am, English
  • 12:15pm, English
St. Lawrence the Martyr
1971 St. Lawrence Dr.
Livestream Link:Facebook
  • 4:00 PM: Childrens’ Mass
  • 6:00 PM: English Mass
  • 8:00 PM: Spanish Mass
  • 12:00 AM: Midnight Mass English
  • 9:00 AM: English
  • 11:00 AM: Bilingual
San Jose Chinese Catholic Mission
941 Lexington St. (at St. Clare Parish)
Livestream Link:
Zoom ID: 732-732-7732
  • 7:30 pm, English/Mandarin, in person and on Livestream
  • 3:00 pm, English/Mandarin, in person and on Livestream
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Christmas Eve Christmas Day
Church of the Ascension
12033 Miller Ave.
Livestream Link:
  • 5:00pm, English
  • 8:00pm, English
  • 7:00am, English
  • 9:00am, English
  • 11:00am, English
Sacred Heart
13716 Saratoga Ave.
Livestream Link:
  • 4:00 PM, English, Livestream
  • 8:00 PM, English
  • 8:30 AM, English
  • 11:00 AM, English, Livestream
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Christmas Eve Christmas Day
Church of the Resurrection
725 Cascade Dr.
Livestream Link:
Website (Click on Livestream)
  • 5:00 pm, English, Livestream
  • 8:00 pm, English, Livestream
  • 11:00 pm, English
  • 8:30 am, English, Livestream
  • 10:00 am, English, Livestream
  • 11:30 am, English, Livestream
St. Cyprian
195 Leota Ave.
Livestream Link:
  • 5:00pm, English
  • 8:30pm, Bilingual (English/Spanish)
  • 10:00am, English
  • 11:30am, Spanish
St. Martin
593 Central Ave.
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Statement by Bishop Cantú on Fiducia Supplicans

Today, December 18, 2023, the Vatican’s Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith issued a declaration, Fiducia supplicans, On the Pastoral Meaning of Blessings. In clarifying the meaning of blessings, and indeed in making a distinction between formal, liturgical blessings and more informal, spontaneous blessings, the Vatican opened the possibility of ordained ministers (bishops, priests, deacons) offering spontaneous, informal blessings to couples in unions that are either “irregular” (non-sacramental) or same sex (non-sacramental).

The document explicitly states that rites and prayers that could be confused with the sacrament of marriage are inadmissible,” thereby maintaining a clear distinction between the sacrament of marriage and the spontaneous blessings for couples in non-sacramental unions. The declaration reaffirms the Church’s definition of the sacrament of marriage as the “exclusive, stable, and indissoluble union between a man and a woman, naturally open to the generation of children,”(4) as clarified by Pope Francis earlier this year.

Yet, the Church recognizes the pastoral need to respond to those who humbly seek a blessing and express a desire for God’s mercy and assistance in order to dialogue with and invite them to a deeper relationship with the Lord. Thus, the declaration notes that the “ordained minister [may] join in the prayer of those persons who, although in a union that cannot be compared in any way to a marriage, desire to entrust themselves to the Lord and his mercy, to invoke his help, and to be guided to a greater understanding of his plan of love and of truth” (30). This declaration represents an important clarification that acknowledges and responds to the diverse realities of people’s lives while upholding the Church’s teachings on sacramental marriage.


Vatican News Announcement:

Text of Fiducia Supplicans: