Category : Bishop's Statement

Bishop Cantú Christmas Message

Spanish | Vietnamese December  2019 The Christmas Mystery : ‘The Word became flesh and dwelt among us.‘ (Jn 1 :14) I once heard a priest whom I deeply respected say something about Christmas that troubled me.  He said that Christmas was really more for children, while Easter was truly for adults.  T

Mensaje de Navidad de Obispo Cantú

English | Vietnamese Diciembre de 2019 El Misterio Navideño: ‘La Palabra se hizo Carne y puso su Morada entre nosotros.’(Jn 1:14) Una vez escuché a un sacerdote a quien respetaba profundamente decir algo sobre la Navidad que me preocupó. Él dijo que la Navidad era más para niños, mientras que la Pas

Thông điệp Giáng sinh từ Đức cha Cantú

English / Spanish Tháng năm 2019 Mầu nhiệm Giáng sinh: “Ngôi Lời đã trở nên người phàm và cư ngụ giữa chúng ta.” (Jn 1:14) Tôi đã từng nghe một linh mục mà tôi rất kính phục nói những điều về lễ Giáng sinh khiến tôi băn khoăn. Vị này nói rằng lễ Giáng sinh thực sự là dành cho trẻ con, còn lễ Phục si

Statement from Bishop Cantú regarding the signing of AB 218 by Governor Newsom

“I concur with this statement from the California Catholic Conference regarding the signing of AB 2018 by Governor Newsom (see statement below).  The Diocese of San José understands that the healing process from sexual assault is unique to every individual - particularly in the cases of clerical sex

Statement from Bishop Cantu regarding the signing of SB 24

“Bishop Oscar Cantu concurs with this statement from the California Catholic Conference. The Bishop, along with the faithful of the Diocese of San Jose will continue to pray for those individuals, born and unborn, and families, affected by abortion especially during this Respect Life Month.  He pled