Category : Bishop's Statement

Prayers for Bishop McGrath in Hospice Care

Bishop P. J. McGrath has been placed in Hospice Care. After surgery l to repair a spinal disk after a recent fall, he developed pneumonia. He has not been able to overcome the pneumonia, given other health complications. I was able to visit and pray with him today, offering him the anointing of the

St. Patrick’s Day Lent Abstinence Dispensation 2023

The abstinence from meat on Fridays of Lent is an significant element of the penitential nature of this holy season. This year, however, Friday of the Third Week of Lent (March 17) is an occasion for Saint Patrick’s Day celebration in a number of parishes or schools in our Diocese. Having judged tha

Bishop Cantú’s Statement on the recent shootings

In the wake of the series of shootings in our country, especially those in California, and in our neighboring community of Half Moon Bay, we extend our prayers to all the grieving families, work colleagues of the victims, and all those affected by these tragedies. We pray for healing to all those wh