By Joel de Loera On Thursday, February 13, Bishop Oscar Cantú celebrated the very first Diocesan Marriage and Family Mass at Holy Cross Parish. This was a meaningful way to conclude the celebration of National Marriage Week and an opportunity for married couples and families to prepare to celebrate
Category : Diocese News
Youth Ministers from across the Diocese gather to pray and learn from each other
Last week, the Office of Youth and Young Adults (YYA) of the Diocese of San José hosted a gathering of their constituents at the Chancery. Sandra Torres, the Director of the Office of YYA, said that they coordinate these gatherings because “it’s very important for all Youth and Young Ministers to co
Bishop Cantú’s Ad Limina Visit
Please pray for Bishop Cantú as he meets with our Holy Father to report on the state of the Diocese of San José during his Ad Limina visit.
Statement from Bishop Oscar Cantú and the Diocese of San Jose regarding Laudato Si’
Declaración de la Diócesis de San José sobre Cuidado Pastoral y Apoyo para Víctimas de Abuso/Sobrevivientes
El Obispo Oscar Cantú respeta la decisión de aquellas diócesis en el estado, que han elegido participar en el Programa de Compensación Independiente de California. La Diócesis de San José entiende que el proceso de sanación, debido a agresión sexual, es único con cada individuo, particularmente en l