Duy Nguyen
Second Year Theology
Our Lady of La Vang
Duy Nguyen is from a family of four with his parents and his younger sister. Originally from Vietnam, his family immigrated to the U.S. when he was in high school. After completing both his undergraduate and graduate studies in Computer Science, he started working as a software engineer in Silicon Valley. Not long after, he felt the call to leave everything to become a priest. He credited his vocation to the Blessed Mother Mary and the rosary, which his family prayed together daily while he was growing up. For him, it has been a dream come true to live the life of the seminarian: to pray, to study, and to work in the vineyard of the Lord.
Duy Nguyen 2021 Seminarian video. (English)
Duy Nguyen 2020 Seminarian video. (English)
Duy’s video on return to in -person Church.
Duy Nguyen 2020 Seminarian video. (Vietnamese)