Fri-Sun, March 7-9
Poor Clare Colettines of Immaculate Heart Monastery – Los Altos Hills
The retreat will include:
– Practical prayer tools
– Talks (in English and Spanish)
– Mass & Holy Hour
– Resources and spiritual tools in discerning marriage or consecrated life
– Opportunity for Q&A with sisters and married couples (in English and Spanish)
– Conversation with your sisters in Christ.
Sign up: Fill out the interest form here and we will contact you. If you do not hear back from us within a few days, please email vocations@dsj.org.
Sisters and the Religious to the Consecrated Life of the Diocese of San Jose make a radical choice to follow Jesus’ call to be His servant-leaders. Their lives of joyful sacrifice bring to the people of Silicon Valley the message of Jesus Christ that: I am the resurrection and the life; whoever believes in me, even if he dies, will live! (John 11:25).

Cost: Retreat is free. Repeat retreatants welcome!
Requirements: Single Catholic female, 18 years and older, recommended by any of the priest in the Diocese of San José.
This weekend retreat will have an English track and Spanish Track that will be held simultaneously. More information on the agenda coming soon.
Other Retreats for Women in the Bay Area
Daughters of Charity, Los Altos Hills, CA
Visit with us and learn about the Daughters of Charity while listening to how God is calling you.
For single Catholic women ages 18-40
More info and other retreats: http://daughters-of-charity.com/retreats/
Dominican Nuns, Menlo Park, CA
These retreat days are for those discerning their vocations and offer an opportunity to experience a bit of the charism of Dominican cloistered life. Sessions provide information and tools useful for discernment. Opportunities are also given for one-on-one meetings, opportunities for Q&A with the nuns, and to hear some of the nuns’ vocation stories.
Cost: There is no cost for a “Come and See” Day, but donations are welcome. To register, please complete the Registration Request on the website.
Website: https://www.opnunsmenlo.org/retreat-days
Dominican Sisters of Mission San Jose, CA
Are you curious about religious life?
Have you ever thought of being a sister?
Are you wondering if God is calling you?
For single Catholic women, ages 18-40
For more information and upcoming retreats visit: www.msjdominicans.org
Servants of the Lord and the Virgin of Matará, Santa Clara, CA
Contact Our Lady of Peace Church and Shrine: https://www.olop-shrine.org