The Legacy of a Good and Brave Shepherd

The Legacy of a Good and Brave Shepherd

I was baptized in the Diocese of Vinh in Northern Vietnam, before my family moved to South Vietnam, where I attended Catholic school. After emigrating to the U.S. I became a local leader of the Friendship Organization of the Diocese of Vinh.

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Our Graduation

Our Graduation

Good evening. This day marks the end of the journey we began 3 years ago. Today we give thanks to God for having completed this commitment we made with love.

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Love Indeed is the Common Theme – Speech

Love Indeed is the Common Theme – Speech

My dear classmates, with regards to our faith, it is as if we started the Institute for Leadership in Ministry (ILM) three years ago with a 1000-piece jigsaw puzzle that has yet to be completed. Just like a puzzle, analogously, I think we all began with just the border pieces worked out, already filled with admiration for the shapes and colors of the individual pieces.

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Together, with our Hearts Set on Fire

Together, with our Hearts Set on Fire

Graduation Speech Delivered at the Cathedral Basilica on Wed, May 3rd. Christus Vivit! Christ is alive and so are we! Indeed, we are grateful that we survived three years in the Institute for Leadership in Ministry. We spent approximately two years of that time in endless Zoom classes, with no contact, no hugs, and no celebrations.

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