Bishop Cantú and the Diocese of San José commend the Marianist Province of the United States for publishing the names of Marianist fathers and brothers, living and deceased, who have been found credibly accused for the sexual abuse of children. We support the Province‘s release of these names, which helps to foster healing and validation for the victims/survivors and provides additional assurance that those credibly accused of sexual misconduct with children are now expelled from ministry.
As part of the Diocese of San José‘s unwavering commitment to healing and reconciliation with the victims/survivors of clergy abuse, and the faithful everywhere, we remain resolute in our affirmation of transparency and accountability. Through this commitment, we continue to encourage victims/survivors of abuse by clergy, or other Church personnel, to come forward. We continue to pray for their courage and strength in taking this challenging and painful first step towards justice and inner peace.
As we remain steadfast in our pledge to uphold human dignity and the protection of all of God‘s children, the Diocese of San José strictly adheres to a zero-tolerance policy and promptly notifies law enforcement and child protective services when abuse is reported, in accordance with mandated reporter laws. If an adult victim/survivor is looking to report a case of Clergy Abuse, or sexual abuse involving Church personnel, we encourage them to first contact their local civil authorities (law enforcement). Once a report is filed with the local civil authorities, individuals are encouraged to contact the diocesan Office for the Protection of Children & Vulnerable Adults at (408) 983-0113. All reports are confidential to protect the rights of the victim. Reports to the Diocese are accepted by either online submission or by phone. For online submission, please use the following URL to access our secure third-party reporting server designated for this purpose: or contact our toll-free 24-hour reporting hotline at 844-372-1691.
Victims/survivors of sexual abuse by a Marianist are encouraged to report it to the Marianist’s Pastoral Assistance Coordinator at: or 314-285-2322, as well as the civil authorities in the jurisdiction where the abuse occurred.