The Diocese of San José has published an impact report for fiscal year 2020-2021, which compiles information about the finances and ministries of the Catholic Church in Santa Clara County and the impact they’re making in our local community.

“The crisis [of the pandemic] has tested us. However, as you will see in the following pages, the strong partnership between parishes and schools with the chancery helped our parishes and schools to continue serving and ministering during the unprecedented pandemic. We are one family, one community of faith, journeying TOGETHER in hope. With your generosity, we will continue to support each other in doing the work of Christ. What a beautiful example of that family support in witnessing the chancery, parishes, and schools working together during the pandemic to serve the spiritual and personal needs of our flock!  said Bishop Oscar Cantu.

Learn more by viewing our Impact Report for the fiscal year 2020-2021 here:


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