Jesus wants to be close to you and to be intimately united with you! He gives us himself – Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity, in the Eucharist. Through the Eucharistic Revival we are given the opportunity to the overwhelmed anew by His love for. us and His gift of Himself to us.
The REVIVAL starts with you! how can you be REVIVED?
Jesus wants to revive us with His presence in our lives. We must draw close to Him in prayer and through the sacraments to experience His grace and presence in our lives. Taking committed and intentional time in front of the Blessed Sacrament has transformed countless lives, families, and communities. Commit today to spending time with our Lord.
Pillar 1 - Meet him
Personal encounters
No one who approaches their creator leaves unchanged. Create space for the faithful to gather in a moment of encounter with our Lord. The holy spirit uses the energy created through gathering in a group as a way to usher new movements and transformations in our church.
Pillar 2 - Love him
Reinvigorating Devotion
How we worship matters. Emphasize reverence in the liturgy and elevate the practice of eucharistic devotions, prioritizing an increase in opportunities for adoration and both parish and diocesan eucharistic processions. This provides a witness while strengthening the faith and unity of Catholics in your community.
Pillar 3 - Seek Him
Deepening Formation
With more than 50% of Catholics not knowing the church’s doctrine on the real presence, a bold clarity in the true teaching of the church is necessary to bring understanding. Pursue robust formation through spiritual reading, educational events, and study groups. The more intimately we know our lord, the better we can love him, serve him, and bring other people to know him!
Pillar 4 - Serve Him
Missionary Sending
True love overflows into action! Mobilize those who already know and believe the church’s teaching on the real presence to reach out to those in need and accompany those who are searching for more. Remember that this is our Lord’s work. We are simply his instruments.