Inspiring Action and Renewal
On January 25, 2025, Hispanic ministry leaders across the Diocese of San José gathered at Saint John Vianney Parish for the Encuentro Diocesano Hispano. This vibrant and spiritually enriching event was an opportunity for Hispanic leaders to reflect on the intersection of the Diocesan Pastoral Plan and the National Pastoral Plan for Hispanic Ministry. The day was filled with insightful discussions, inspiring presentations, and a renewed commitment to building a Church that embraces diversity and missionary discipleship.
A Day of Faith and Unity 
The day began with a warm welcome from Father Walter Suarez López, Vicar for Hispanic Ministry, followed by a procession featuring the cross and flags of Latin American countries, symbolizing the cultural diversity within the Diocese. After the morning, Bishop Oscar Cantú opened the event with gratitude and hope, calling on attendees to embrace their roles as leaders in their parishes and to live out the pastoral plan in practical and transformative ways. Bishop Cantú emphasized the connection between the Diocesan Pastoral Plan’s priorities and the broader mission of the Church. “This pastoral plan is not just a document; it is a call to spiritual renewal that starts with each of us—our personal encounter with Christ and our commitment to share His love with others,” he stated.
Key Presentations and Insights
Alejandro Aguilera-Titus, a national leader in Hispanic Ministry, delivered an overview of the newly developed National Pastoral Plan for Hispanic Ministry, highlighting its emphasis on creating a Church of missionary disciples and fostering leadership within the Hispanic community. Aguilera-Titus reminded attendees that Hispanic ministry is not just for Hispanics but a call for the entire Church to embrace, given that over 60% of Catholics under 18 in the United States are Hispanic.
The national pastoral plan focuses on five key priorities: missionary discipleship, prophetic witness, pastoral encounter, ecclesial integration, and synodality. Aguilera-Titus called on parishes to implement these priorities by fostering a culture of encounter, providing leadership opportunities for Hispanics, and focusing on formation and lifelong learning. He also recognized that the Diocese of San Jose has already incorporated many of the national priorities into the Diocesan Pastoral Plan, so there is no need to plan for any additional work.
Bishop Cantú reflected on the rich history of the Diocese, founded in 1981, and its journey toward its 50th anniversary in 2031. He also connected this milestone with the 500th anniversary of the apparitions of Our Lady of Guadalupe, whose story serves as a powerful example of evangelization, cultural connection, and faith.
Bishop Cantú outlined the Diocesan Pastoral Plan, which centers on six priorities: Worship, Outreach, Youth and Young Adult Ministry, Formation, Family Ministry, and Structural Renewal. He emphasized that spiritual renewal lies at the heart of this plan, beginning with personal conversion and deepening relationships with Christ. Echoing the example of Our Lady of Guadalupe, Bishop Cantú urged attendees to lead with compassion, patience, and understanding.

Panel Discussion: Responding to Questions from the Community
The panel, featuring Bishop Cantú, Aguilera-Titus, Rosio Gonzalez, and Veronica Duluk, addressed critical questions about implementing the plans at the parish level. Highlights included:
- Engaging Parish Priests: Bishop Cantú shared efforts to lighten administrative burdens on priests so they can focus on pastoral care and evangelization.
- Scripture Study and Formation: Gonzalez emphasized the importance of providing resources and training to parish leaders to foster Bible study groups.
- Youth and Young Adult Ministries: Bishop Cantú and Aguilera-Titus stressed listening to the concerns of young people and creating spaces for them to feel valued and empowered in the Church.
- Integration of Movements: Aguilera-Titus highlighted the need for collaboration between parish leadership and Hispanic ecclesial movements to ensure unity in mission.

Community Reflections and Collaborative Spirit
During the table discussions, participants shared their reflections and aspirations for implementing the pastoral plans in their parishes. After lively and thoughtful discussions, there was the opportunity for table representatives to share their reflections and ideas for implementing the Pastoral Plan in their parishes. Common themes emerged:
- Formation and Leadership Development: Many tables emphasized the importance of training parish leaders to deepen their understanding of the faith and equip them to guide others. “Formation is essential,” noted one representative. “It’s about preparing leaders to serve with humility, compassion, and conviction.”
- Eucharistic Reverence: Participants repeatedly highlighted the need to foster a deeper understanding and respect for the Eucharist through Adoration and teaching Masses.
- Outreach and Inclusion: Table representatives shared creative ideas for welcoming families, engaging young people, and bridging generational and cultural divides within parishes. One representative shared, “Hospitality starts with a smile, a handshake, and an invitation. It’s about making everyone feel like they belong.”
- Youth and Young Adult Engagement: Many attendees called for more active listening sessions with youth and young adults to understand their needs and include them in leadership roles. Pope Francis’ message to treat young people as sacred ground was echoed in several reflections.

Closing the Day with Hope
The day concluded with closing remarks from Father Walter Suarez López , who thanked attendees for their active participation. He emphasized that the Encuentro was not an endpoint but the beginning of a renewed pastoral commitment. Bishop Cantú led the closing prayer, invoking the Holy Spirit to guide the Diocese as it journeys toward spiritual renewal and deeper community engagement.

Moving Forward
As the Diocese of San José continues its journey toward 2031, the Encuentro Diocesano Hispano serves as a pivotal moment of reflection and inspiration. It challenges every leader and parishioner to embody the spirit of missionary discipleship and work together to build a Church that is welcoming, vibrant, and rooted in the Gospel.
For more information about the Diocesan Pastoral Plan and its integration with the National Pastoral Plan for Hispanic Ministry, visit Diocese of San José website.