
With the bishops and dioceses across the United States, Bishop Oscar Cantú and the Diocese of San José are calling for a three-year grassroot revival of devotion and belief in the Real Presence of Jesus in the Eucharist.

Over the next three years, every Catholic parish, school, apostolate, and family is invited to be a part of renewing the Church by enkindling a living relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ in the Holy Eucharist —and sent out in mission “for the life of the world.”


When is it taking place?

A three-year initiative

The National Eucharistic Revival is a three-year initiative of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops. It begins on the Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ (Corpus Christi) which is observed on the weekend of June 18-19, 2022, and culminates with the National Eucharistic Congress in Indianapolis in the summer of 2024. Along the way, there will be parish and diocesan initiatives such as eucharistic adoration, processions, testimonials, and study groups to increase Catholics’ understanding of the Real Presence in the Eucharist.

Who is involved?

A core planning team

In accordance with the national plan, a core planning team was formed in the Diocese of San José. This team — under the direction of Bishop Oscar Cantú and led by co-chairs Father Jeff Fernandez and Irma G. Alarcon De Rangel — serves as the local consultative body for the revival and includes a broad range of men and women.  Ultimately, everyone is invited and encouraged to be part of this initiative. 

How does this relate to
the Synod?

Spiritually renew our local church

As Bishop Cantú announced in December 2021, the Diocese of San José seeks to spiritually renew our local church at all levels. The Eucharistic Revival is the heart of this renewal, which also includes the 2023 diocesan synod to discern the direction of the mission and ministry for the local church in Santa Clara County for years. Over the next three years, every Catholic parish, school, apostolate, and family are invited to be a part of renewing the Church by enkindling a living relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ in the Holy Eucharist —and sent out in mission “for the life of the world.”

How do I get involved?

Pray. Spread the word

Pray. Spread the word. Attend events. Share stories. Offer up acts of service. It’s very likely you are already doing things that support and promote this initiative. Help call attention to those efforts by sharing them publicly and talking about them with family and friends.

Bishop Oscar Cantú’s Invitation to the National Eucharistic Revival


Diocesan Prayer for the Eucharistic Revival 2022-2025

Heavenly Father,
​​​​​​​In your loving mercy,
you sent your Son, Jesus Christ, 
anointed by the Spirit,
to redeem the world through his Paschal Mystery.

The disciples on the road to Emmaus
pleaded with the Lord, “Stay with us.”
Promising to remain with his church,
and to nourish us as the Bread of Life and Cup of Salvation,
Jesus left us the Sacrament of Salvation in the Eucharist.

Stir up in our hearts a lively faith
in Jesus’ real, loving, and saving presence, and may the Eucharist become the pattern of our lives.

As a pilgrim church
may we be nourished and strengthened
at the Eucharistic table,
and so “do unto others” in love
as you have loved us.

Through the intercession of St. Joseph and St. Clare, may we remain in your love
through the Sacrament of your Love.  Amen.

Download Diocesan Eucharistic Revival Prayer Card

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Why is now such a critical time in the Church in the United States to have a Eucharistic Revival?

We are excited to witness what God has in store for His Church in the U.S. through the National Eucharistic Revival! Our world is in desperate need of the love of God. Geopolitical crises, social unrest, increased polarization, and the need for recovery and renewal from the pandemic have created the opportunity to “open wide the doors to Christ” through Eucharistic Revival.

The difficulties and challenges over the last few years have shed lights on the Church’s need for healing, unity, formation, and conversion. More than 30 percent of Catholics have not returned to the pews post-pandemic, and recent data reveals that the majority of Mass-going Catholics do not believe in the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist. The past decade has also seen the rise of the “Nones” among the Millennial generation, with more than 40 percent now self-identifying as “unaffiliated” with any religion. Many young Catholics find the faith to be irrelevant to the meaning of their lives and challenges.

In the midst of these challenging times, we must increase our ability to provide to those inside the Church and to the world a credible witness of the difference Jesus Christ makes in the life of every individual. As the people of God, we must be reminded that the Eucharist truly is the living God, Jesus, with us, “always, until the end of the age,” (Mt 28:20).

As we set out to meet the needs of the world and culture around us with the love of Christ, we must first take time to experience our own Eucharistic Revival with a renewed encounter and love for Jesus in the Eucharist, “for the life of the world” (Jn 6:51).

Now is the time!

What is the intended fruit of the National Eucharistic Revival?

Grounded in prayer and seeking the guidance of the Holy Spirit, the National

Eucharistic Revival has four primary goals:

  1. To provide a more profound encounter with Jesus Christ in the Sunday liturgy as a point of unity among all Catholics, and through this powerful encounter, find personal healing and courage to take the Gospel to a world in need of authentic love – the love of Christ found in the Eucharist.
  2. To spark personal conversions through the joyful discovery of a relationship with Christ by encountering the love of God present in Jesus in the Eucharist.
  3. To elevate the truth and practices of our Catholic faith through the rediscovery of the Real Presence of Jesus Christ in the Eucharist – the Source and Summit of our Church and of who we are as a people of God.
  4. To form, inspire, and launch missionary disciples, filled with love of God and neighbor that comes from an encounter with Jesus in the Eucharist, to the margins of the Church and the world.

Who will be involved?

The goal of the National Eucharistic Revival is to engage every Catholic in the United States! This is a movement, not a program, and is meant to provide opportunities for the faithful to fall deeper in love with Jesus in the Eucharist and to be inspired and equipped to share that love with others.

The efforts of the Revival are being organized by a team of lay men and women, religious, priests, and bishops from across the United States. An Advisory Board of Bishops is shepherding the whole Revival.

What makes this a unique opportunity in the Catholic Church in the U.S.?

Everything about the National Eucharistic Revival is intended to “bear fruit that will last” (Jn 15:16). By building a consistent grassroots momentum beginning with dioceses and parishes, the intention is to bring together all facets of the Church – apostolates, movements, religious orders, universities, and ecclesial organizations  – all rooted in a shared love for the Eucharist that will create impact in the Church for generations to come.

What is the National Eucharistic Congress, Inc.? Where can we find more information?

The National Eucharistic Congress, Inc. was formed in early 2022 in order to bring such a large-scale event to fruition. It is led by a governing board of five bishops and four lay people, chaired by Bishop Andrew Cozzens, the Bishop of Crookston, MN.

A website will be launched soon at www.EucharisticCongress.org which will have information, resources, and an opportunity to register individuals, families, and groups for the 2024 National Eucharistic Congress.

How can Catholics around the U.S. participate?

  • Pray and fast for the National Eucharistic Revival. Only the Holy Spirit can bring about the fruit He desires for the Church in America through this three-year initiative.
  • Sign up to receive the “Heart of the Revival” newsletter found on our website at https://eucharisticrevival.org/. By signing up for the newsletter, you can stay up-to-date on the latest news, events, and information about the Revival, as well as event details for the National Eucharistic Congress to be held in July of 2024.
  • Get involved locally! Each diocese will be engaging in the Revival in different ways. Contact your diocese or look on your diocesan website for opportunities to be a part of your local Church’s Eucharistic Revival.
  • Plan now to attend the National Eucharistic Congress July 17-21 in Indianapolis, IN. Individuals, families, and groups are all encouraged to register to be a part of an extraordinary moment in the life of our Church.