Palm Sunday

- Holy Week for Children Video
- Palm Sunday Video
- God’s story: Palm Sunday Video
- The Book of Glory from RCLBenziger
- Palm Sunday Craft and Story
- Holy Week Diorama by Catherine Raffa
Holy Thursday

- The Last Supper Video
- The Last Supper Craft – Bible Activities for Kids
- Triduum Reflections from RCLBenziger
- Reflexiones del triduo – Español
Good Friday

- The Stations of the Cross with Legos
- Stations of the Cross Video
- Make a paper crown of thorns Craft
- Holy Week Prayer Ideas by Jared Dees

- DIY Resurrection Eggs Craft
- Easter Story Cards for DYI Resurrection Eggs
- Easter Craft Pages
- Easter pages from RCLBenziger
- Best Easter Ever from Dynamic Catholic
- Why Are Easter Eggs Multi-Colored? by Daughters of St. Paul