Parish Faith Formation Directors

Adult Confirmation

Adult Catechesis for Confirmation

Use the Rite of Confirmation as your guide.  It is important to do liturgical catechesis that breaks open the rituals, symbols, prayer texts and scripture used in the Rite of Confirmation and connect them with the adult’s experience.  A good example of a series that uses liturgical catechesis is “Call to Celebrate Confirmation” Harcourt Publishing, 2007.  Our Sunday Visitor carries this book.   The catechist edition for older adolescents can be used as your model for catechetical sessions adapted to adult experiences.

Here are some goals to be covered:

·  Indentify confirmation as a sacrament of initiation
·  Explain the scriptural, theological, historical and liturgical aspects of the Sacraments of Confirmation
·  Explain how Confirmation completes Baptismal grace. CCC 1285; 1316
·   Explain the gifts and fruits of the Holy Spirit and describe how they are lived. CCC 1830-32

Catholic Updates: Confirmation

Family Faith Sharing Resources
DVD resources

Nest Family Entertainment   1-800-988-Nest

Publishers with Family Resources

St. Anthony Messenger Press:
Pflaum Publishing Group,
Loyola Press
Liguori   1-800-325-9521
Twenty-Third Publications
St. Mary’s Press  1-800-533-8095
Pauline Books and Media
Our Sunday Visitor

Family Faith Sharing Pamphlets

Take Out, Family Faith on the Go, Our Sunday Visitor,  1-800-348-2440×2173,
Pflaum Gospel Weeklies, 1- 800-543-4383
Catholic Parent,   Our Sunday Visitor,  1-800-348-2440
At Home with our Faith  1-800-328-6515, Claretian Publications

Children Catechesis
  • In God’s Name, by Sandy Eisenberg Sasso “In poetic text and vibrant illustrations, this modern fable celebrates the diversity and, at the same time, the unity of all people.” Published by Jewish Lights Publishing, 2007
For Catechists
  •  The  “Handbook for Today’s Catechist,”  is an excellent gift for your catechists. It includes the role of the catechist, planning effective lessons,  and sharing the faith.  To order, contact Mike Ramsey at Ligouri at 800-325-9521, ext 1406 or email at   For those parishes/’deaneries that order a case of 136 books, there is a 30% discount offered which includes free shipping.
  • Catechist Journey
Pastoral Guidelines for the Use of Technology

This document is to provide guidance to pastoral ministers on the use of technology. They are merely guidelines and are not meant to be policy. The Diocese of San Jose has not yet formulated clear policy on some of the tools that are discussed below. The creation of policy is in process. However, there was a need to provide immediate guidance to all pastoral ministers in the Diocese of San Jose.

In the mean time, we encourage you to refer to the “Computer Usage Policy” that the Diocese of San Jose has set forth and to use this document as a guideline.

The “prudent principle” should always guide a pastoral minister. A pastoral minister should be aware of doing everything that is “prudently” possible to avoid problems. Common sense should be the guide in all circumstances.

Death and Dying
  • Whispers of God’s Love, Touching the Lives of Loved Ones after Death” by Mitch Finley. There are great stories about people and their experiences of the presence of their deceased loved ones.