Life, Justice and Peace

Use the button to find the phone number and a sample script to call your State Senator quickly.  Keep parents informed about their children.

AB 1955, the bill prohibiting schools from notifying parents when their children identify with another gender identity at school, is up for a vote in the State Senate tomorrow! 

AB 1955 will erode trust between children, their parents, and their educators.
It also undermines school board members elected to implement policies that reflect their local communities.

CALL your Senator NOW!

Upcoming Events

Through your generous annual CCHD gifts, you help break the cycle of poverty by helping low-income people participate in decisions that affect their lives, families and communities.

Your Lenten generosity with the CRS Rice bowl changes lives globally and in your own community to overcome hunger.

Catholic Campaign for Human Development

Get involved, get formed, and raise awareness by listening with the ears of your heart.

Catholic Campaign for Human Development

Get involved – let’s build a society that is just and void of discrimination and open for healing conversation.

Migrants & Refugees

Let’s build and promote the culture of life, respecting life at all stages.

Restorative Justice

Find out how YOU can minister to those imprisoned, and be a light to families affected by crime and violence.


Join the Pope’s Laudate Si invitation and our efforts to build an eco-friendly community beginning from your plate, to your home, and to your place of work.


Find out how you can serve with

  • Human Trafficking
  • Homeless & Housing
  • Migrants and Refugees

View all resources found in the LJP Department here!