Earth Day
From CCC Environmental Stewardship Committee
Pastoral Letter on the Environment, God Calls Us All to Care for Our Common Home, can be found on the following link:
Keeping Families Housed (Resources)

December 6th Workshop Resources
Resources provided by Tom Morman, Rose Lue, Tim O’Rorke, Richard Bricmont from The Silicon Valley Sponsoring Committee.
- Slide Presentation
- Eviction Workshop 12/06/2020 – Meeting Recording
- Flyer on Housing Resources
- AB 3088 forms for landlords and tenants
- Sacred Heart Community Services’ Rent/Eviction Bot
- National Law Review‘s summary of AB 3088 (including provisions for small landlords)
- A two-minute video about AB 3088 (and here, in Spanish)
NAMI Resources COVID Crisis Resources
Talk-Lines and other emotional support can be found in this PDF:
COVID Crisis Resources
Recursos de salud mental de NAMI
Los números de teléfono para apoyo emocional se pueden encontrar en este PDF:
Recursos para COVID-19
Tiếng Việt
COVID 19 NAMI Vietnamese Translation
Weekly Drive Thru Sites at Churches for Food
Behavioral Health Services
Life, Justice & Peace COVID-19 Resources
- Red Cross – Blood Drives
Blood shortages as a result of the quarantine. They are asking people to continue giving, and can find a center by entering their zip code:
- Employee Assistance Program:
- Suicide Care – Question, Persuade, Refer Class
Is now free & online. Registration can be found here:
- Find Your District
Many school districts are serving their areas. Find where you live by using this tool:
- San Jose Faith Based Resources
3 of the 13 resources offered are Catholic!
Additional Resources

Know Your Rights | Powerpoint and Videos:
Getting Prepared: Checklists and Guides
- Preparando a su familia para encuentros con inmigración
- Prepárese y Protéjase Nueve maneras de protegerse
What to Do During an Encounter

Faithful Citizenship Plan
Faithful Citizenship Document 3-Part Series
Forming Consciences for Faithful Citizenship (USCCB Link)
- Bulletin Announcements 1 – 7
- General Intercessions & Announcements
- Videos
- Praying Like a Faithful Citizen: 9 New Ways to Pray
- Study Group Lesson Plans
- 7 Themes of Catholic Social Teaching
- Faithful Citizenship logo (download)