ACTION: Prayer and Fasting
Prayer and Fasting: Jesus tells us in Matthew 17:21 that certain things can only be dispelled by prayer and fasting. Several opportunities avail your participation.
On-Going Prayer and Fasting Opportunities
*Monthly Intercessory Prayer Hour Conference Call
A monthly prayer hour devoted to praying for life is a unique way to be part of preserving the sacredness of life. The prayer hour begins with a centering prayer, followed by a daily meditation, petitions for life matters, a rosary, and participants’ prayers.
When: Second Wednesday of Every Month
Time: 9 AM
Simply call the dial-in number and follow the prompts.
Conference Call Dial-In Number: (515) 739-1515
Access Code: 908105#
Petition requests received the Monday before the 2nd Wednesday of the month will be included during the prayer hour.
*Intercessory Fasting and Prayer Team
You are invited to join our Fasting and Prayer Team by taking one day a week to pray and fast for all pro-life matters. Each week on the selected day of the week, the Team Member will fast and spend time in prayer for matters pertaining to pro-life and for a world where abortion is unthinkable.
Fasting can be from traditional things like food or meals or it can be non-traditional, like fasting from television, the internet/social media, or any activity that can be replaced with prayer time. Designate time during this day praying for pro-life matters. Some pray during Adoration and others say a rosary as part of their designated prayer time.
Sign up here to be added to the Intercessory Fasting and Prayer Team.
Other Prayer Opportunities
- 24 Hour Adoration before each 40 Days for Life Campaign
- 40 Days for Life Prayer Vigils during the spring and fall Campaigns
- Sacred Heart Catholic Church-Saratoga has a Prayer Hour every Friday at 8 AM during 40 Days for Life campaigns
ACTION: Volunteer & Support
Volunteering and Supporting: In Deuteronomy 15:7-11 we are instructed to give freely with a joyful heart and virtuous motivation. Volunteer and giving opportunities are available with several local organizations.
Local pregnancy medical and resource centers:
GHS Women’s
RealOptions Obria Medical Clinics:
Birthright of San Jose:
St. Juan Diego Women’s