“Every human life, unique and unrepeatable, has value in and of itself; it is of inestimable value”
-Pope Francis
Building a culture that cherishes and protects every human life.
All Catholics and people of faith and goodwill are invited to join in building a culture that supports and defends every human life. Below is a collection of resources you and your parishes can use.
Many of these resources are available to the public on the CCC website.
Join the National USCCB Respect Life Month Novena, October 13-21, 2023, by registering at Pro-Life Resources | Respect Life
Respect Life Reflection: Radical Solidarity – a short reflection unpacking the meaning of radical solidarity and our call as Christians to live it out.
– English Translation
– Spanish Translation
- 9 Days for Life
- 9 Days for Life is the U.S. Catholic bishops’ annual novena surrounding the Day of Prayer for the Legal Protection of Unborn Children.
- Because of your interest in other initiatives from the USCCB Secretariat of Pro-Life Activities, you’ll automatically receive this year’s novena by email.
- Please invite your friends and family to join you and THOUSANDS of Catholics in prayer for the protection of human life.

Post-abortion Support and Healing
- | for anyone seeking information, help, and healing after participation in an abortion.
All Catholics and people of faith and goodwill are invited to join in building a culture that supports and defends every human life.

Recent Statements:
- USCCB — statement on Women’s Health Protection Act
- CCC — Abortion Backgrounder and Reference White papers in English and Spanish
- CCC — Statement Committing to Women, Children and Families
- CCC — Statement on Constitutional Amendment SCA 10
- Bishop Cantu’s Statement — Dobbs Decision | Statement in Spanish
- Bishop Cantu’s Letter on Proposition 1

Help Mothers
- Get mobilized! Join We Were Born Ready a forum to empower, equip, mobilize, resource Catholics to fulfill their baptismal call to serve women, children, and families, especially women in difficult and unexpected pregnancies
- Watch and Share the We Are Born Ready Webinars in English and Spanish
- Find and support your local pregnancy center
- Help Women find Resources. Donate to Options United
- Catholic Charities — Everyone Loves A Baby — Maternal Accompaniment PDF flier – English, Spanish, and Vietnamese

Bishop Burbidge was joined by three other bishop chairmen in a letter to the U.S. Senate on February 28, opposing the Access to Family Building Act and similar legislation that would greatly widen the use of various problematic assisted reproductive technologies nationwide. For more on infertility, including ethical restorative reproductive medicine and research, see
Additional IVF Resources:
Preaching Points on IVF – NCBC
Infertility Treatments Fact Sheet and FAQ – NCBC
Begotten Not Made: A Catholic View of Reproductive Technology – USCCB
Life Matters: Reproductive Technologies – USCCB