Catholics United to Protect and Support Women, Children and Families
Proposition 1 is a worst-case scenario for abortion in California. It is an expensive and misleading ballot measure that allows unlimited late-term abortions — for any reason, at any time, even moments before birth, paid for by tax dollars.
Prop 1 isn’t needed. Sadly, California already has some of the most permissive abortion laws in the nation, but with reasonable limits on late-term abortions — which will still be allowed without the amendment for the life and health of the mother. Prop 1 destroys this common-sense limit.
California does not limit state spending on abortion, and with thousands more traveling from other states, the cost will be in the hundreds of millions. Don’t hand lawmakers a blank check to pay for abortions, and don’t let them make California an “abortion sanctuary.”
Católicos Unidos para Proteger y Apoyar a Mujeres, Niños y Familias
La Proposición 1 es un desperdicio extremo e inútil de los impuestos, que permite abortos-tardíos sin límites a expensas de los contribuyentes – por cualquier motivo, en cualquier momento, incluso momentos antes del nacimiento.
La Proposición 1 no es necesaria. Lamentablemente, California ya tiene políticas de aborto entre las más permisivas del país, pero con límites importantes para el aborto-tardío. La Proposición 1 derriba estos límites de sentido común.
No entregue a los legisladores un cheque en blanco para pagar los abortos, y no permita que hagan de California un “santuario de aborto” para mujeres de otros estados que buscan un aborto tardío a expensas de nuestros contribuyentes.
A Letter to the Faithful from Bishop Oscar Cantú
Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
As we continue our journey as a local Church here in our Diocese of San Jose, we are working to increase support for pregnant and parenting women, their children, and families and protect the sanctity of every human life at every stage.
The state legislature passed a bill, which Governor Newsom has signed, which will be placed before voters on November 8th (or sooner, for mail-in ballots and early voting). Proposition 1 is both egregious and dangerous for two simple reasons: the bill’s broad language enshrines a right to late-term abortions (which most Californians agree should be limited) in the state constitution; and it will use taxpayer funds to administer them.

Novena to Our Lady of the Holy Rosary to Defeat Proposition 1
Please join the Bishops of California in a Novena to Our Lady of the Holy Rosary to Defeat Proposition 1 from Sept. 29 through Oct. 7 – the Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary. Bishop Cantu is doing the reflection on the first day. Sign Up today and select “send me text alerts” to receive a bishop’s reflection video that will accompany each day of the novena.
Download Novena Prayer below!
Day 1 Reflection by Bishop Oscar Cantú, Diocese of San Jose
No on Prop 1 Campaign Resources
The California Catholic Conference is part of a broad coalition. Whether you’re pro-choice, pro-life, or undecided, Prop. 1 deserves defeat. The downloadable materials below provide evidence and explanation of the problems surrounding Prop. 1.

In the News
”Sacramento should withdraw Proposition 1 to specify post-viability abortion limits.” Tom Campbell, Orange County Register
“The right to an abortion is already safe in California. Don’t put it to a vote.” Joe Mathews, San Francisco Chronicle
“Opinion: Abortion ballot measure isn’t worth the risk for Californians.” Christopher J. Bakes, Mercury Times
“No on California Proposition 1: Encourage our leaders to find real solutions to abortion.” Jo Alegria, San Diego Union-Tribune
“Based on a simple reading, Proposition 1 would seem to push California abortion law far left by allowing pregnancy termination right up until birth.” George Skelton, Columnist, Los Angeles Times
“Even the strongest pro-choice advocates should think this through very carefully.” Susan Shelley, Orange County Register
“Proposition 1 will constitutionally protect abortion up until the moment of birth.” Jon Fleischman, online publisher, Los Angeles Time
Resources and Suggested Activities
We are continuing to build momentum ahead of Election Day – but now is the time to amplify our campaign message that Proposition 1 is extreme, expensive, and unnecessary. We know our campaign resonates with Californians because it reflects our beliefs and state interests – but we need YOUR HELP to get that message out there!
- Share Prop 1 Voter Education
- Share Homily Helps and Prayers of the Faithful ( Sept.- Nov in English and Spanish)
- Pray the Prop 1 Novena – Sept. 29 – Oct 7
- Share Respect Life Month Activities
- Host a Parish Baby Shower – Donate the items to your local pregnancy center
- Support Options United or Gabriel Project to support pregnant women
- Visit We Were Born Ready for more service ideas to support pregnant and parenting women