National Human Trafficking Awareness Day, also known as #WearBlueDay, is observed on January 11, 2024.
On this day, we encourage the public to take photos of themselves, friends, family, coworkers, and others wearing blue clothing—the international color of human trafficking awareness. By sharing these photos on social media with the hashtag #WearBlueDay, you’re stating your commitment to save lives by helping to end human trafficking. Anyone can participate. All you need is a piece of blue clothing! If you’re looking for inspiration on ways to get involved on #WearBlueDay, check out how other organizations across the country have participated.
For more information click here.

Awareness & Educational Resources
South Bay Coalition to End Human Trafficking
The South Bay Coalition to End Human Trafficking upholds a survivor-centered, trauma-informed, culturally responsive approach in coordinating resources and strengthening local capacity to address human trafficking and exploitation. The Coalition has been successful in responding and addressing human trafficking in the counties of Santa Clara and for some agencies in San Benito County.
San Jose Police Task Force (SJPD)
The SJPD Human Trafficking Task Force was established to stop Human Trafficking. Report any Human Trafficking to SJPD via Nat’l Hot-Line: 888-373-7888 and Email:
A collection of prayer guides for Christians wanting to pray for all survivors of human trafficking.
Slavery Footprint engages individuals through an interactive survey that raises participants’ awareness of their labor trafficking footprints. Learn how many people are affected by labor trafficking based on your lifestyle.
The Demanding Justice Project is made available by Shared Hope International. This site provides resources about Sex Trafficking and opportunities to take action.
“The Demand Factor in the Global Sex Trade: Human Trafficking as a Human Rights Crisis”
The Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission Briefing describes the demand for commercial sex fuels the global human trafficking industry, perpetuating a human rights crisis. Videos and transcripts of the panelists are available.
Sex Trafficking in the US: A Closer Look at US Citizen Victims
Report that provides crucial insight into the realities of sex trafficking in the U.S. based largely on experiences reported by U.S. citizen survivors.
Provides a guide and supporting written resources to stop the Commercial Sexual Explotation of Children that others may use to educate, engage, and inspire communities to stand up against this national epidemic
Anti-trafficking Resources
USCCB’s Anti-Trafficking Program
The mission of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops’ Anti-Trafficking Program (ATP) is to educate on the scourge of human trafficking as an offense against fundamental dignity of the human person; to advocate for an end to modern day slavery; and to provide training and technical assistance on this issue.
Not For Sale
Not For Sale is a non-profit that provides a continuum of services that start with healing and lead to provision of meaningful work for formerly trafficked individuals
National Human Trafficking Resource Center
The National Human Trafficking Resource Center (NHTRC) is a national, anti-trafficking hotline and resource center serving victims and survivors of human trafficking and the anti-trafficking community in the United States. They offer a 24-hour hotline for supp
Polaris Project
Named after the north Star that guided slaves to freedom in the US, Polaris helps survivors restore their freedom, prevents more victims, and leverages date and technology to pursue
ARM of Care
ARM of Care is a local non-profit that partners with local non-profits to heal wounds of sex-trafficked youth by using the creative arts to restore and