YYA Resources


General Information

  1. NFCYM
    • Resources: https://nfcym.org/covid19/
        • Working Remotely, Ministering to Young People, Supporting Parents, Prayer Best Practice (Zoom, Free Conference Call, etc.)
  2. Fuller Youth Institute (Article, Resources)
  3. Our Sunday Visitor News

Prayer and Family Resources

  1. Give us This Day (Free Digital Subscription during this time)
  2. Magnificat (Free Digital Subscription during this time)
  3. LifeTeen Lectio LIVE (Prayer)
  4. OCP (Ministry and Personal Resources)
  5. CRS (Catholic Relief Services)
  6. Loyola Press (Prayer, resources, virtual retreats)
  7. Sadlier (Family Resources)
  8. Pflaum (Family Resources)
  9. Busted Halo (Virtual retreats, virtual stations of the cross)
  10. Catholics Come Home (Family Resources)
  11. America Magazine (Resources)
  12. Missio (Resources)
  13. Franciscan Media


  1. NFCYM Webinar – March 26, 2020
  2. Bishop Robert Barren – Word on Fire (Evangelization Course)
  3. Project YM (Catholic youth ministry resources, training, and support to help youth thrive in your ministry)
  4. FORMED (Catholic Faith on demand; thousands of movies, programs, audio, and books instantly)
      • http://www.formed.org Please check with your local parish if a FORMED subscription exists for their parishioners

Social Media Connections

  1. Modern Day Disciples- Youth Ministers Podcast
  2. Project YM – Events
      • https://projectym.com/
      • Weekly Web shows for Catholic youth ministers every Tuesday at 1pm
      • Youth Ministry Night – March 22, Paul J. Kim and Dave Moore (Project YM Live)
  3. Ascension Presents (Youth Ministers, Young Adults, Adults Resources, and Podcasts)



  1. NFCYM
      • Resources: https://nfcym.org/covid19/
      • Working Remotely, Ministering to Young People, Supporting Parents, Prayer
      • Best Practice (Zoom, Free Conference Call, etc.)
  2. Fuller Youth Institute (Article, Resources)
  3. Aciprensa
  4. Aleteia

Lecturas del Día

  1. Give us This Day (Free Digital Subscription during this time)
  2. Magnificat (Free Digital Subscription during this time)
  3. USCCB (Lecturas del Día)
  4. ibreviary (Lituria de las Horas y más)
  5. EWTN

Young Adult Ministry Resources


The Church Podcast
Co-hosted by: John Rinaldo & Christopher Wesley

Additional Resources

Contact the Office of Youth & Young Adults

Kevin Bernaga

Associate Director of Youth Ministry


Diana Cuevas Ramos

Evangelization Coordinator
