
Listen with the Ear of the Heart:

Learn the skills of Deep Listening, Praying With, and Self-Care as you serve others. Four sessions focusing on the Art & Practice of Accompanying another as a Mental Health Minister. April 8-April 29, four consecutive Mondays from 5:00 pm-6:30 pm via ZOOM  


Listen with the Ear of the Heart:

Learn the skills of Deep Listening, Praying With, and Self-Care as you serve others. Four sessions focusing on the Art & Practice of Accompanying another as a Mental Health Minister. April 8-April 29, four consecutive Mondays from 5:00 pm-6:30 pm via ZOOM  


Listen with the Ear of the Heart:

Learn the skills of Deep Listening, Praying With, and Self-Care as you serve others. Four sessions focusing on the Art & Practice of Accompanying another as a Mental Health Minister. April 8-April 29, four consecutive Mondays from 5:00 pm-6:30 pm via ZOOM  


Listen with the Ear of the Heart:

Learn the skills of Deep Listening, Praying With, and Self-Care as you serve others. Four sessions focusing on the Art & Practice of Accompanying another as a Mental Health Minister. April 8-April 29, four consecutive Mondays from 5:00 pm-6:30 pm via ZOOM