Remember, “WWJD”… What Would Jesus Do?
“Is it lawful to do good on the Sabbath rather than to do evil, to save life rather than to destroy it?” – Mark 3:4
Do you sometimes have a hard time making a choice over another? As Christians, do you sometimes experience the “blurriness” of a line that separates a good choice from a better one?
In today’s gospel (Mark 3:1-6), Jesus is confronted with a choice of following a letter of the law and following His sense of compassion towards a person in need.
In our lives today, we experience this so many times. We feel we are doing a good thing, only to find out we have settled for something less than what would have been a better (best) choice. But how do we distinguish? How do we make the right decision?
We need God’s guidance – the kind of guidance that was given to us when Jesus became and lived as a man. In other words… Jesus’ examples.
As Christians, we sometimes see guidance as a set of principles (ie. civil laws) which we apply to current situations in our lives. We have to understand that there is also guidance by inspiration, where we search for God’s Will to help us with the choices that we make.
Guidance by principle is not necessarily bad compared to guidance by inspiration. There must be proper balance of the two. Such balance is central to Christian growth. That is the challenge facing our generation today. We are often asked the questions, “What is it that is more important in your life as a Christian?” and “What are you going to do about it?”
Our answer will be the deciding factor regarding who we are as a person now and in the future. By choosing to follow Christ (living the Gospel), we CHOOSE LIFE in God, rather than destroy it by choosing things that could lead us away from Him.
This 2013, don’t let time, place, people or situations stop you from being Jesus to others.
Challenge yourself… What would be your choice? WWJD.
Dear Jesus, unite my heart, mind and soul with You. Help me make my life and the lives of others a fragrant offering to the Father.