The following rite was developed by the Diocese of San José and is made available for use in your parishes.

Download this rite as a Word document.

Rite for Sending Communion Ministers to the Sick from a Parish Mass

Before Mass, ministers to the sick place their empty pyxes on the credence table. At the end of the Communion procession, the priest, deacon, or extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion fill the pyxes with consecrated hosts and place them on the altar.

After the communal silence or song of prayer, the celebrant calls the ministers to the sick forward and gives them their pyxes. Then he leads the assembly in the Prayer After Communion.

After the Prayer After Communion, the celebrant dismisses the ministers to the sick with these or similar words:

My brothers and sisters,
you are sent to bring the Word of God
and the Bread of Life from this assembly
to the sick and shut-in members of our parish family.
Go to them with our love and our prayers
in the name of Jesus Christ.

Ministers: Thanks be to God.

(en español)

El Sacerdote:
Mis hermanos y hermanas,
ustedes van a llevar la Palabra de Dios
y el Pan de Vida de esta asamblea
a los enfermos de nuestra familia parroquial.
Vayan a ellos con nuestro amor y nuestras oraciones
en el nombre de Jesucristo.

Ministros: Demos gracias a Dios.

The ministers leave the assembly immediately.