Catholic Charities Parish Engagement – Shower Van, Volunteers Needed

Volunteers Wanted for Shower Service for the Unhoused
Catholic Charities of Santa Clara County offers a shower service for our homeless and unhoused at Our
Lady of Refuge Church in San Jose on Thursdays, from 1 PM-4 PM.

We are looking for volunteers to staff the showers from 12:15-4:30. Volunteers will provide a welcoming
and inclusive environment. Interested volunteers may register/apply here: Catholic Charities Parish Engagement Application Page


Weekly Parish Food Distribution – Volunteers also needed

Summer is here! It is a busy time with summer vacations and the Catholic Charities do not have as many students volunteering. Therefore, we will run short of volunteers at each of our sites Youths 12 & 13 can volunteer with a parent. High School Students can volunteer alone. If you are a student and in need of service hours, you can do hours now, that can be used during the School year of 2024-25. Please register at at:  or contact if you wish to volunteer.

Print flyer and post on Parish Bulletin.

Food distribution schedule below.

Catholic Charities Parish Engagement Is In Need Of Volunteers

Catholic Charities Parish Engagement Is In Need Of volunteers at its food distribution sites. This is also a great opportunity for high school students to earn service hours for the school year of 22-21. This is also a great opportunity for families to serve together. Volunteers need to be 14 years old. Please sign up at:

Revs vs Sems Volunteer Registration Form


  • MM slash DD slash YYYY

  • Players or Volunteers that need to complete or renew (renewal every 3 years) the Adult Safe Environment Training – VIRTUS Online Training Course (Protecting God's Children® Maltreatment 3.2 & Vulnerable Adults Combined_San Jose ) prior to the event. Registration Instructions: English | Spanish

    Youth Players or Volunteers (ages 13 to 18 yrs old) need to complete the Safe Environment Training -  VIRTUS® online training courseHealthy Relationships For Teens 2.0.prior to July 9.Training Website: | Registration Instructions




  • MM slash DD slash YYYY

Catholic Charities Parish Engagement Is In Need Of Volunteers

We all know someone who is impacted by the Pandemic. Catholic Charities Parish Engagement Project continues to need volunteers at its food distribution sites. This is also a great opportunity for high school students to earn service hours. Please sign up at: