Advanced Directives

Advance Directives (Power of Attorney for Health Care) is a document that clearly states your requests regarding health care if you are unable to do it for yourself. This workshop discusses important issues that arise from these decisions.
Presenter: Cindy Safe is well versed in the issues and questions that arise when completing the Advanced Directive.

Living Well, Leaving Well

Catholic Charities of Santa Clara County invites you to: Living Well, Leaving Well
Father Coleman, PSS and Ryan Holmes, Markkula Center for Applied Ethics will explore considerations in making difficult decisions around life’s transitions and end of life.
This event is FREE but requires REGISTRATION.  Flyer
Visit: or Call: Alison Poetsch 408-325-5288

Theology on Tap Cabin Trip for ages 21-39

Preliminary Itinerary (subject to change)

Friday, February 17th
Travel Day
Saturday, February 18th
Hike/exploring the area/potential Cross Country Skiing w/Holy Mass Talks & Free Time
Sunday, February 19th
More: Hiking/exploring the area/potential Cross Country Skiing w/Holy Mass Talks & Free Time
Monday, February 20th
Breakfast, Mass, then departure for home
To Register, please go on our website under Cabin Trip

Musicians Master Classes 2017

Saturday Jan 27, the evening will begin with registration and hospitality at 5:30. At 7:00 begins the concert with the keynote speech being given by Jesse Manibusan.
This concert will feature many of your favorite songs and many new songs by the workshop clinicians. You will be able to purchase their music after the concert. Saturday morning begins the workshop at 9:00 am. There are two tracks, one in English led by Janèt Whitaker and one in Spanish led by Jaime Cortez.
There are 3 price points – $40.00 with lunch included – $25.00 bring your own lunch – $00.00 if you are scholar shipped by your parish. Here is an opportunity to collaborate with your favorite musicians. Don’t miss this chance to learn your craft of being a director, choir member, instrumentalist, or youth choir director. See you all in January!!

Brochure and Registration Form (Print)