Marriage Preparation Retreat

Date & Times:
February 28, 2020 – 6pm – 9pm & February 29, 2020 – 8:30am – 4pm

Holy Family Parish

Cost: $150.00 per couple
Payment Methods: cash or check

To register, please fill out registration form and return or drop off at:
Diocese of San Jose
1150 North First St.,Suite 100
San Jose, CA 95112

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Lenten Retreat 2020

Spiritual Exercises in Daily Life

Are you a busy person who has a desire to deepen your relationship with God? This Lenten Retreat is designed with you in mind! This “home retreat,” based on the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola, starts on Ash Wednesday and finishes during the first week of Easter. Meet the group every Thursday, 7:30 pm to 9 pm from February 27 – April 16.

The Spiritual Exercises Lenten Retreat will help you:
*to learn the Ignatian method of prayer and discernment
*to deepen your relationship with God: “He And I”
*to have a greater awareness of the self
*to increase self-acceptance, self-love, and compassion for others
*to identify your unique gifts, so that you can share them with the world

The retreat involves:
pray daily for 30 minutes in at your own place
weekly meeting with a spiritual director (by appointment only)
weekly faith-sharing on Thursday evenings at Loyola House

This Lenten Retreat will be offered in English and Vietnamese by trained Spiritual Exercises directors and Fr. Francis Nguyen, S.J., a Jesuit priest from Most Holy Trinity Parish.

Location: Meet at the Loyola House, the cross street of Most Holy Trinity Church, 2041 Nassau Dr., San Jose, CA 95122

Applications are now being accepted, with a deadline of February 15, 2020. A contribution is encouraged by making a donation according to your ability.

If you feel drawn to make Spiritual Exercises in the comfort of your home, please send an email: or
call 408-729-0101
Margarita Hua, M.A. Ministry Director
Most Holy Trinity – Ignatian Spirituality Center

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Rachel’s Vineyard Retreat

Experiences of grief and pain are often unnamed and unspoken but both typically accompany abortion and miscarriage. Although the 2 experiences are different in some ways, often there are similar struggles. Women, men, and couples – anyone affected by pregnancy loss – are encouraged to attend the Rachel’s Vineyard Retreat.

Nearly 1 in 4 women and men have been affected by an abortion and 1 in 5 are affected by miscarriage. So often, women and men impacted by pregnancy loss have suffered deep wounds, including powerful feelings of abandonment, shame, anger, and loss. Since there is carefully guarded secrecy around pregnancy loss, these hidden, painful, emotions may cause other struggles such as substance abuse, bonding issues with children, depression, eating disorders, suicidal thoughts, and feelings of unworthiness.

If the quality of your life is affected or you have never completely recovered from pregnancy loss, Rachel’s Vineyard Retreat is a place where you can find support, compassion and healing.

This international ministry is a confidential, safe place to share your story and discover God’s heart of compassion and mercy. The retreat is a non-denominational, interfaith environment offering Biblical principles and perspectives for restoration.

This retreat is being held at a local retreat center. The financial value of the retreat is $500. However, retreatants are charged only $200 which includes single occupancy accommodations for two nights, all meals, and retreat supplies. Scholarships are available. Contact us at for more information.

This is a valuable place to be kind to yourself and explore spiritual renewal!

Silent Retreat for Men and Women “Be Still and Know that I am God” – Psalm 46: 10

“Be still and know that I am God” is a theme for a three days Silent Retreat conducted by the Daughters of Carmel nuns, rooted in Carmelite Spirituality, the nuns also live in the renewal of the Holy Spirit.

Our Spirit-filled contemplative retreat is silent with total immersion with God alone. Each day is filled with many hours of contemplative prayer, spiritual conferences, meditation on the Scripture, Eucharistic adoration, spiritual guidance and prayer service.

These programs will help the participants to experience God’s presence at all times in the stillness of one heart and learn how to pray unceasingly.

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