- K-Helping others.OAK.St.Felicitas.MichelleThompson.K.ELA-Science.Garden Helpers
- 1-Our World of Communities. CCII sample unit
- 2-Building bridges with unlikely friends.CCII sample unit
- 2-Cultures around the world.SJC.SacredHeart.
- 2-Friends. The Giving Tree, friendship.SJC.SacredHeart.JodyMartin.
- 3- To be a friend.SJC.StNicholas.KatieBusmire.
- 4-Making Waves. CCII sample unit
- 5-Island of the Blue Dolphins.OAK.StFrancisOfAssisi.PattiCalton
- 5-The Civil Rights movement.SJC.HolySpirit.ColetteOBannion.
- 6-Birth Narrative Gospels comparison OAK.StJoseph.KathyBrunstein.
- 7- Friendship.CCII sample unit
- 8- Confronting Stereotypes. Farewell to Manzanar. OAK.StLawrenceOToole.KatieThornbury.8.ELA.FarewellToManzanar
- 8-Diary of Anne Frank.SJC.StJohnVianney.YvonneChavez.
- 8-Discerning Greater Good.CCII sample unit
- 8-Holocost and indifference. StSimon.MichelleNealon.
- 8-To Kill A Mocking bird UnitPlan.DioceseOfSanJose
- 8-To Kill a Mockingbird.OAK.StRaymond.PamHovanic.