Do you have money saved in an employee retirement plan, IRA or tax-sheltered annuity? Do you know that the value of your account may be subject to federal and state estate taxes at your death? In addition, each of these plans contains income that has yet to be taxed. When a distribution is made from your retirement plan account, your beneficiaries will owe federal income tax in addition to applicable state income taxes at your death. Consider leaving your loved ones less heavily taxed assets and leaving your retirement plan assets to Diocese of San Jose to support our work.

As a nonprofit organization, we are tax-exempt and will receive the full amount of what you designate to us from your plan. You can take advantage of this gift opportunity in several ways:

Name us a beneficiary of your plan. All this requires is updating your beneficiary designation form through your plan administrator. You can designate us as the primary beneficiary for a percentage or specific amount. You can also make us the contingent beneficiary so that we will receive the balance of your plan only if your primary beneficiary doesn’t survive you.

Fund a testamentary charitable remainder trust.  When you fund a charitable remainder trust with your heavily taxed retirement plan assets, the trust will receive the proceeds of your plan upon your death. The trust typically pays income to one or more named beneficiaries for life or for a set term of up to 20 years, after which the remaining assets in the trust would go to support DSJ. This gift provides excellent tax and income benefits for you while supporting your family and our work.